Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest
After you bury 10 cards, add firecast to a random card in your Buried pile.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPanache
This combat when you gain , gain an equal amount of charmed. Your actions deal additional damage equal to your charmed.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestDeathwatch
This combat, inflict 1 deep wound whenever your foe plays 2 Snares in a row.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestToboggan
Activate: Gain momentum for each frozen you inflict this turn. deplete: Shuffle this back into your deck. 1 durability.
frost equipment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPresent
one use: delve an item and add it to your deck.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestUgly Sweater
Activate: cleanse frozen equal to twice this card’s durability
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPowerstance
When you play a basic attack from hand, play a random basic attack from the deck, then shuffle a discarded basic attack into the deck.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSwift Stance
Whenever you shuffle a card, gain evasion and swiftness. Immune to Slowed.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestFlicker Jab
Shuffle a card, your next action deal (x) bonus damage for every card you've shuffled this turn. Enter Swift stance.
melee action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestExchange Gifts
swap enchantments with your enemy. If you have no enchantments, gain stunned. If your enemy has no enchantments, inflict stunned.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestChestnuts Roasting
At the beginning of your turn, conjure an ingredient. Your maximum sated is increased by 5. Your sated does not fade at end of turn. channel
fire action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestStreet Attraction
perform 1. Successful performance (by this card only) increase Lucky Coin damage by 1 permanently (in-game).
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestButter Cookies
one use: Heal 3 and gain 1 zeal. garnish: Add an untempered Sewing Kit to your deck.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSewing Kit
Deal 1 damage and gain 1 health. ancestral: Increase both of these values by 2. Can't be upgraded.
divine artifact