Winter Card Design Contest winner!Bad Apple
Add a Forbidden Fruit to your deck. corrupted: Gain . sinister.
corrupted action
Winter Card Design Contest winner!Fireside Blessings
Activate: Draw a card and give it firecast for this combat. If a card with firecast is drawn, bury it. durability (2/2).
divine equipment
Winter Card Design Contest winner!Sugarplum
one use: Add 1 Prank to your foe’s deck. garnish: inflict charmed equal to your potency.
Winter Card Design Contest winner!Tinkerer's Toolbox
If this card has any keywords, transfer one to another card in your hand. Otherwise, add a random keyword to this card. unique
Winter Card Design Contest winner!Casa Nova
Inflict 2 charmed. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat (0).
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestAdvent Calendar
Activate: Gain 1 random energy. deplete: Gain 8 random energy. This card's durability persists across combats. 24 durability.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestRenounce Faith
This combat, may be paid with . bury divine cards you play. You cannot gain .
corrupted enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestThe Ol' Razzledazzle
on Hit: Inflict 2 shocked. flow (0/1): Deal 1 damage. flow (0/3): Deal 3 damage. flow (0/5): Deal 5 damage. finale: Inflict 2 dazzled.
melee action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestTrue Nova
Increase your Nova Count. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestHarvest Festival
This turn when you play an ingredient, echo it.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestI didn't hear a bell
This round, if you would fall below 0 health, heal 1 for each point of overkill damage you take. charges (1/1).
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestVivid
This Combat: When you gain a blessing, gain 1 more.
Entered in the Spring Card Design Contestpiece of eight
Change the tide when you play a lucky coin.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestGood Tidings
This turn, whenever you change the tide, dispel an affliction and gain health equal to the stack.