Forced Bed Rest
cleanse an affliction from your foe. At the end of their next turn, they discard their hand.
divine action
Deal DEX damage. Inflict (4-DEX) dazed.
melee basic attack
Deal INT damage. Repeat for every stack of focus.
magic basic attack
Leroy Jenkins
Play all cards at once
divine artifact
Order of Ni
Add 1 Terror to your foe's deck whenever you play a Magic Action. order.
Black Order
When you take damage during your foe's turn, gain resilience equal to the damage and 1 disarmed. start of turn: lose all resilience. order
Drinks On Me
Convert all afflictions on foe to stagger. Repeat for Self. Draw a card for each unique affliction converted.
Master of Arms
This combat, Basic Attacks deal 0 additional damage. Increases by 1 for each basic attack you play.
Bone Nova
Deal 1 damage. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat. reaping.
magic action
Holy Nova
Gain 1 health. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat. firecast.
Sand Nova
Make a basic attack. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Storm Nova
Gain 2 chain. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Arcane Core
Activate: Upgrade this card by 1. 3 durability Once this card reaches 20 upgrades, swap into Golem Familiar, retaining current upgrades.
magic equipment
conjure a Fury. frenzy: Your Fury cards grant 1 additional anger.
Deal 3 damage. critical Hit: Inflict a deep wound and draw a card.
melee action
Grievous Injury
Deal 3 damage. bloodlust: lifedrain. rebound (0/4): Inflict a deep wound.