Infernal Racket
Draw a card. Gain anger equal to the drawn cards energy cost. on draw: Gain 1 delirious.
Fire Attunement
After you play a Fire card, gain and attune to a new Element.
Frost Attunement
Your next Frost action grants 3 barrier, then attune to a new Element.
Lightning Attunement
Your next Lightning Action draws a card, then attune to a new Element.
Grimoire of Fire
Activate to delve a Fire Action and play it. deplete: Gain Aura of Flames. durability (3/3)
fire equipment
Grimoire of Storms
Activate to delve a Lightning Action and play it. deplete: Gain Amp Up. durability (3/3).
lightning equipment
Grimoire of Hate
Activate to delve a corrupted Action and play it. deplete: Gain Lifelink. durability (3/3).
corrupted equipment
Cold Blooded
start of turn: Gain equal to your frozen. End of Turn: Gain frozen equal to the cards you played this turn.
Grand Theater
When you finish a performance, swap this to a different Location. unique. unplayable. persistent.
Emerald Dome
This turn, echo actions equal to your performance, then destroy this. unique.
Mosh Pit
This combat, when you perform take and deal damage equal to your performance. unique.
Chef's Kiss
My face when Assassin's Mark
Blighted Vessel
Reduce the enemy's by this cards cost. Increase this cards cost by . defiled.
corrupted item
Hidden Pouch
Activate: discard a non-unique card, then conjure a copy of all cards discarded this way. durability (3/3).
Daring Dash
Gain 1 evasion. finale: Gain and perform for every card you played this turn. charges (2/2).
Adrenaline Rush
Gain equal to your current Perfomance. finale: Draw cards equal your . charges (1/1).