_boris's cards
Code of the Cornered
Your melee attacks gain piercing. Gain ferocity equal to damage on critical Hit. You cannot gain . code: Begin combat below 10%
melee code
Code of Siphoning
start of turn: Inflict 1 random hex. Your basic attacks become Hexglaives. code: all of your non-basic actions are corrupted.
corrupted code
Hark the Herald
If you have not played any attacks or spells nor inflicted any afflictions during your previous two turns, slay your foe. grounded. heavy
divine hymn
Exchange Gifts
swap enchantments with your enemy. If you have no enchantments, gain stunned. If your enemy has no enchantments, inflict stunned.
Silent Night
one use: bury all spells and enchantments in your deck. You may not casts spells or enchantments this combat. Attacks deal critical hits
Holy Night
one use: bury all non-Divine cards in your deck. You may not play non-Divine cards this combat. Divine actions deal critical hits
divine attunement
Chestnuts Roasting
At the beginning of your turn, conjure an ingredient. Your maximum sated is increased by 5. Your sated does not fade at end of turn. channel
fire action
Nipping at the Nose
This turn, your spells inflict frozen equal to your remaining energy. At the end of your turn, inflict damage equal to your enemy's frozen
frost action
White Elephant
Activate to remove a card in your hand from your deck. Add a copy of a card from your enemy's deck to your deck. durability (1/1)
Alms for the Poor
When you would take damage, lose half as much instead. If you have no , your first attack each turn inflicts a critical Hit.
divine enchantment
Know Where You Stand
start of turn: enter a stance
start of turn: Enter a stance.
Eight Lights
When you inflict burning, add a counter. When you reach eight counters, bury this card and gain an extra turn. channel.
divine action
Carol of the Bells
Whenever you finish a performance, delve a free Hymn. Whenever you play a Hymn, gain 2 and 3 .
Bundle Up
Equip all equipment cards in your deck. Your frozen is not removed by playing cards or end of turn. Gain 1 frozen at the start of your turn.
Activate to conjure a free random melee attack and gain 2 damage per stack of frozen this turn. durability (4/4)
Auld Lang Syne
one use: Restart the current encounter with delirious. Your opponent gains first strike. Experience is doubled for current encounter. unique
Unity Cup
You and your opponent restore 50% of missing at the beginning any turn. Remove this enchantment when 300 total is restored.
The Grinch
During your opponent's next turn, if they were to gain a blessing, you gain it instead. dispel your opponent's blessings. unique.
When your opponent draws a card, conjure a copy of that card into your hand. lasting
corrupted action
Boxing Gloves
Deal 5 damage. Present
Me First!
Inflict 1 jinx on your opponent. Unwrap.
That Keeps on Giving
Unwrap. Present.
State of the Art
Deal 20 piercing damage. reaping. Present.
ranged fire item
Beach Vacation
Damage dealt to you instead restores . Change this to a different location when you change the tide. unplayable. persistent.
Grandma's House
When you play a card, conjure a random ingredient. When you reach 3 garnish, take damage equal to your garnish.
Code of Blood
When you spend lose 5 . When you spend inflict 2 bleeding. bloodlust: lifedrain. code: all cards in your deck have in their cost
Forsake Faith
Consume an active code. All divine actions are defiled and corrupted. All costs are converted to . Cannot gain .
divine code
Winter Storm
At the beginning of your turn, both combatants gain 1 frozen. Increase this for each turn of combat. frozen cannot be removed.
frost enchantment