bunnyfauxfaux's cards
This combat, lose gold instead of health when you take damage. Whenever you lose gold, gain an equal amount of anger.
corrupted enchantment
Gift Exchange
Choose one card from your deck and one card from your foe's deck. Until combat ends, trade these cards. unique.
perform 1. Inflict charmed equal to your performance and gain 1 delirious. If you already have delirious, copy this card's effect once.
Clever Ruse
Take 1 damage. If this damage reduces your health to 0, you revive with full health and slay your opponent. unique.
melee action
This combat, whenever you deal damage without spending health, double it. ALL cards cost health equal to their total cost.
Temper Tantrum
At start of turn, deal 1 piercing damage. If this effect is ended by interrupt, inflict stunned. channel.
Second chance
one use: If you would take lethal damage this combat, negate that damage, exit combat, and shuffle the encounter back into the deck.
magic action
But why?
Take 1 damage. rebound (0/5): Transform into Stop Hitting Yourself.
Stop HittingYourself
During your opponent's next turn, if you would take damage from any source, your opponent takes that damage instead. Transform into But Why?
Return your foe's hand to their deck and shuffle it. They draw cards equal to their previous hand size.
If your darkness is greater than your foe's current health, inflict stunned. If they are already stunned, slay them.
corrupted action
Renounce Faith
This combat, may be paid with . bury divine cards you play. You cannot gain .
Of Many Minds
Each turn, the first time you play a mergecraft card, conjure a copy of all permanent instances of it in your deck.
magic form
Until your next turn, damage cannot reduce your current health below 1.
divine action
Last Legs
If your health is exactly 1, set your health to maximum. This is not healing. Begin your next combat at 1 health.
Rot from within
This combat, each corruption you place in your foe's deck has firecast. At the beginning of their turn, they bury one corruption.
Diminishing Returns
This combat, if a combatant gains a blessing or affliction they already have, reduce the stacks gained by 1, then increase this number by 1.
Endless Mode
Neither combatant can lose or win this combat. If either combatant has their current or max health reduced below 1, set it to 1.
magic enchantment
This combat, your foe retains half of their doom at the end of their turn.
Hot Cocoa
You are immune to frozen. If you would be afflicted with frozen, gain rally instead.
Not Cocoa
Inflict frozen equal to your foe's poison.
one use: End the current combat and remove it from the encounter deck. You do not gain experience or rewards. unique.
On My Terms
End your run. Earn Fateshards equal to 10 times your level. reliable.
I don't want it
Choose a card in your deck. Destroy ALL copies of that card. It cannot appear as a reward and cannot be added to your deck or conjured.
Pretty Please?
If your foe's charmed equals at least half of their current health, choose a card from their deck and permanently add it to yours. unique.
Screw the Rules
Pay 100 Fateshards to immediately win this combat.
Keep 'em Comin'
If this is in play at the end of combat, add a non-boss creature to the encounter deck. If it is interrupted, destroy this. channel. unique.
Heavy Lifting
This combat, remove heavy from your cards.
Hit and Run
Gain darkness equal to the next damage you deal.
Reduce the requirement of flow effects by 1. channel.
Form of the Viper
Whenever you discard a card, gain 1 potency. start of turn: Inflict poison equal to your potency. channel.
Snake Bite
Inflict 3 poison. shift into form of the Viper. If you were already in form of the Viper, trigger your foe's poison.
Violent Mutation
If you are not in a form, take 10 damage, then shift into a random form. If you take no damage, destroy this and gain Stable Mutation.
Stable Mutation
Your form cannot be interrupted. Your form's start of turn effect triggers twice. End of turn: Trigger your form's discard effect.
Unending Assault
Make a basic attack. shift into form of the Kraken. If you were already in form of the Kraken, make another basic attack.
Form of the Kraken
Whenever you discard a card, summon a clone. start of turn: Make a basic attack. channel.
one use: Randomly gain 1 regenerate or 1 poison. garnish: conjure a random egg. swap at the beginning of your turn. persistent.
Rotten Egg
one use: Gain 1 potency. garnish: Trigger your foe's poison.
corrupted ingredient
Gift Egg
one use: conjure a potion. garnish: conjure an item.
Trying Times
conjure an egg.
Unlucky Rabbit
Activate: Inflict 1 jinx. deplete: conjure a free Rabbit Foot. durability (3/3).
conjure an item. Change the tide.
ebb action
Change the tide. conjure a free item for each time the tide has changed this turn.
flow action
Puka's Shell
Activate to gain 1 resilience. Gains durability whenever you change the tide. durability (4/4).
Mass Production
This combat, equipment is shuffled into your discard pile once depleted and can be played again.
Blood in the Water
Inflict vulnerable. If your foe has 10 vulnerable, inflict a deep wound instead and bury this card.
Choose a basic attack. Permanently transform this card into it. It retains its upgrades.
All Things Equal
Gain 1 random blessing and inflict 1 random affliction. shift into Balanced form. If you are already in Balanced form, change the tide.
Balanced Form
Whenever you discard a card, gain 1 random blessing. start of turn: Increase all of your blessings by 1. channel.
flow form
Whenever you discard a card, inflict 1 random affliction. start of turn: Increase your foe's afflictions by 1. channel.
ebb form
Captain's Swagger
Gain 1 delirious. Inflict charmed and gain evasion equal to your delirious. upgradeable.
First Position
Select a dance. Trigger its effect whenever you perform. When your performance ends, end your dance.
Snake Dance
Gain 1 potency. When you end your performance, inflict charm equal to your potency.
War Dance
Gain 1 anger. When you finish your performance, inflict vulnerable.
Dance of Life
Gain Ritualist. Steal 1 maximum . When you finish your performance, restore 5% of your maximum .
Dance of Spirits
Gain Ritualist. Fortell 3. When you finish your performance, gain 3 souls.
Dance of Blight
Gain Ritualist. Inflict 1 poison. When you finish your performance, trigger your foe's poison.
Ebon Floe
Whenever the tide changes, inflict 1 frozen, then increase this by 1. If your opponent has more frozen than , slay them.
Whenever you would gain charmed, your opponent suffers that much piercing damage instead.
Herb Garden
Whenever you play a Seedling, add one stack. start of turn: conjure a random herb and decrease stacks by 1.
Make it stop!
perform 1. Add a Badger to your opponent's deck. charges (23/23). deplete: Add two random mushrooms to your opponent's deck.
Inflict 1 bleeding. If you have 10 or more bleeding, consume all stacks and inflict a deep wound.
Deal 2 damage. If you have an affliction, inflict a critical Hit and remove one of your opponent's blessings.
basic attack
The Dankness
one use: Inflict 1 slow. garnish: Convert your sated into regenerate.
ranged ingredient
Totem of Vigor
start of turn: Gain 1 temporary Maximum .
Ravenous Totem
start of turn: Transfer 1 stack from all other totems to this totem. Gain 1 random blessing.
Replace a random card in your opponent's deck with a random permanent prank. unique.
Rubber Room
start of turn: Add a Rubber Rat to your opponent's deck.
Rubber Rat
Convert a random blessing into a random affliction. Draw a card.
Remove an active enchantment from yourself or your opponent. conjure a free playable copy in the owner's deck.
Escort Quest
Increase gold and experience gains by 10% of this card's . Reduce its when you are dealt damage. 100/100. unplayable. unique.
Upgrade a random card in your deck whenever you win combat. Reduce this card's whenever you take damage. 50/50. unplayable. unique.
Upgrade card rewards by 1. Upgrade this card when you defeat an elite enemy. 50/50. unplayable. unique.
Broken Weapon
rebound (0/5): Transform into Fixed It! unique.
Fixed it!
one use: Permently add a random basic attack to your deck. unique.
Wrathful Ascension
bury ALL your cards. Your energy is . Whenever you would draw a card, conjure a card instead. Can only be used while ascended.
divine enchantment