palxin's cards
Form of the Hydra
Whenever you discard a card, deal 1 damage. start of turn: Gain 1 anger. channel.
Hydra Claws
Deal 3 damage. crushing: Gain 2 regenerate.
melee basic attack
Polycephalic Strike
Deal 2 damage. shift into form of Hydra. If you were in form of Hydra, inflict stagger equal to the damage dealt. rampage.
Form of the Shark
Whenever you discard a card, inflict 1 drowning. start of turn: Gain . channel.
Blood in the Water
Fortell 3. shift into form of the Shark. If you were in form of the Shark, change the tide.
Shark Claws
Deal 3 damage. Gain 1 momentum.
magic frost basic attack
Form of the Spider
Whenever you discard a card, inflict 1 infected. start of turn: Your opponent discards a card. channel.
corrupted form
Spider Claws
Deal 1 damage. flow (0/3): Inflict 1 sickened and slow. piercing.
Inflict 3 poison. shift into form of the Spider. If you are in form of the Spider, gain 1 potency and inflict 1 bane.
corrupted action
Form of the Lycan
Whenever you discard a card, gain 1 darkness. start of turn: Gain 3 ferocity. channel.
Lycan Claws
Deal 5 damage. slay: Gain 5 .
Terrifying Howl
Gain 5 darkness and interrupt. shift into form of the Lycan. If you were in form of the Lycan, inflict 1 weakness.
Bounty Hunt
Deal 3 Damage. execute: Gain gold equal to your level. sinister.
melee action
Assassin’s Orders
one use: Inflict Marked. delve a Contract:
Planar Anchor
Your foe gains silenced. Your actions inflict 3 additional damage to Spirits and Elementals. channel.
Inflict Marked. delve a Contract. If you fail to complete you Contracts this battle, remove this from your deck. unique.
corrupted artifact
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