macrosis2020's cards
When you play a basic attack from hand, play a random basic attack from the deck, then shuffle a discarded basic attack into the deck.
The Dawnforge
one use: Spend 100 . Add any Community Created card to your deck. grounded.
Create a free copy of each non-conjured basic attack played this turn. The copies have untempered and echo. unique.
temporal anomaly
Both combatants can't draw or discard cards, and end their turn right when it starts. After 10 rounds, interrupt yourself. channel. unique.
corrupted action
Song of Horror
Available while corrupted. After 13 Performances, lose half your current to delve from 9 Monster Cards and add one to your deck. unique.
corrupted performance
Wandering Wisp
start of turn: Gain 1 Counter. If this has 4 Counters, cancel this and shuffle an Opportunity card into the Encounter Deck. channel. unique.
ascend. If played at the highest Ascension, instead gain zeal equal to half the foe's , then deal 1 piercing damage. firecast.
divine fire action
unplayable unless corrupted. Upgrade the first Magic or corrupted Action you play each turn for each corruption in hand. channel.
Inflict silenced. Gain 3 focus.
Convert all energy gained into . When played, select a Judgement. memorized.
corrupted enchantment
Code of Thieves
on Hit with a Melee Action, steal 5 and a random blessing. code: Have at least 200 . unique.
corrupted code
Open Roast
Ingredients lose their non-garnish effects. The foe gains sated instead of you, and retains sated at the end of turn.
After playing a Fire, Frost, and Lightning Action, advance. This Path doesn’t reset each combat. (Level 1/5)
After playing (0/5) Rare Actions with different names, advance. This Path doesn’t reset each combat. (Level 2/5).
After playing (0/25) Conjurations, advance. This Path doesn’t reset each combat. (Level 3/5).
Mimic Toolbox
Activate to bury a card. deplete: Reduce your Weapon Power's cooldown by 1. durability 4.
corrupted equipment
Avatar of Rage
on Hit with a Melee Action, gain 2 anger, then the foe gains 1 anger.
melee enchantment