fatalitee's cards
Frigid Riposte
Inflict frozen to your opponent equal to your damage taken
Fireside Blessings
Activate: Draw a card and give it firecast for this combat. If a card with firecast is drawn, bury it. durability (2/2).
divine equipment
Cast me three and set me free! Find my head and a reward for thee! deplete: Add 'Head of Dullahan' into your deck. durability (3/3). unique.
corrupted artifact
Head of Dullahan
My head I see! I'm filled with glee! And for thee! A death decree! This combat inflict doom equal to damage done
corrupted enchantment
He knows
He knows if you are naughty or nice naughty: lose 3 and gain a Coal nice: gain 3 and gain 3 random blessings
Code of Valor
start of turn: Gain 1 anger and 1 rally. Immune to dispel code: Your deck only consists of cards that cost
Code of Ethics
start of turn: Heal 10 . You cannot gain or inflict afflictions. code: Your deck does not contain any direct damage cards.
divine code
Catalysing Strike
Deal 8 damage. on Hit:Turn a random potion in hand into a higher rarity potion.
melee action
Clairvoyant Potion
one use: Gain 3 focus. foretell 6. Play the card immediately for free.
Essence devourer
If you slay the opponent this turn, imbue their enchantment. charges persist after combat. deplete; remove from deck charges: (3/3).
Second Wind
If you deplete all your energy this turn, gain 3 . At the start of next turn, lose 1 and you cannot gain blessings.
Not entertained?
Inflict 10 bleeding, it cannot be dispelled for 3 turns. Gain 1 dazed and perform 6 next turn.
End your current performance. Inflict bleeding equal to twice your performance stack. Then perform 1
Crowd Pleaser
For every time damage is dealt through bleeding, gain 2 . Remove enchantment if there is no active bleeding.
Start of combat, become Oathbound. If a corrupted action is added intentionally after this talent, you cannot revive.
Demonic Promise
start of turn: Lose 1 Gain 1 anger. Defile 1 channel. grounded. upgradeable. Upgraded value will be randomised.
corrupted action
Dreadlord’s Ruin
After you defile 2 or more energy in one turn, deal 5 damage, then gain 2 anger and advance. lifedrain. unique.
Flurry of Wrath
Make a basic attack with reaping. on Hit: Gain 1 anger. frenzy: Repeat for each defiled energy. grounded.
Deal 5 damage. frenzy: rampage. Defile 1 and critical Hit every (0/4) attacks.
corrupted basic attack
Iai Strike
Deal 10 damage. ambush: critical Hit. on draw: Cant be played . on Hit: Draw 1 basic attack and reduce its cost by 2. persistent.
Dragon Tail
Deal 10 damage. Inflict 4 dazed, reduced by 1 for each turn this starts in your hand. persistent.
Dragon’s Greed
Deal 5 damage. on Hit: gain 3 , this value is increased by 3 for each turn this starts in your hand. persistent.
Draconic Ire
Deal 20 damage. Reduce the cost by 1 for each turn this starts in your hand. Also inflict 10 burning if not conjured and costs 0. persistent
magic action
Sea dragons blessing
Change the tide and trigger your start of turn effect. tidal: Your start of turn effects happen twice. persistent.
Sentry Construct
start of turn: Gain 2 armor and barrier per stack. barrier cannot be dispelled. Construct 2. unique
Bladestorm construct
start of turn: Deal 4 damage. Inflict bleeding equal to the damage dealt. Construct 2. unique.
Mass production
start of turn: A random Construct effect that is in play gains 1 additional stack. Construct 3
Flamer construct
start of turn: Inflict 3 burning. Construct 1.
Gain tinker this turn for each Construct played. Any unused stacks are removed at the end of the turn. grounded.
Deal 4 damage. Gain 1 Tinker
basic attack
Clockwork Construct
start of turn: Gain 2 haste and inflict 2 slow. Draw 2 cards. Construct 3. channel requires and 1 Tinker
Live not on evil
one use: Heal 10 . Remove a corruption from your deck. Shuffle this into your opponent’s deck.
divine action