bonfar's cards
Heart of Darkness
This turn when you would gain gain darkness instead. unique.
corrupted action
Creeping Fog
Gain darkness equal to your sinister. unique. sinister.
Plague Mask
Gain 1 ward. Hallowed: your ward does not fade between turns.
divine artifact
Bad Reputation
The first time you would receive an affliction each turn, instead receive 1 potency.
corrupted enchantment
Surge of Chaos
Gain 1 random energy, blessing, and affliction.
bury this card. on draw: discard all cards drawn before Despair.
Add a Despair to your foe's deck. If you have a Despair in your hand, add another.
Frenzied Throw
discard a card to deal damage equal to twice your Strength. frenzy: rampage.
ranged action
Chocolate Coin
one use: Gain 3 . garnish: conjure a Lucky Coin.
Spend all your energy and conjure an ingredient for every energy spent. If in form of the Bear, gain or .
True Vampire
You are not affected by your foe's reflect.
Choose either Enduring Day or Unending Night and play it. unique.
Enduring Day
start of turn: Gain 1 random energy and inflicted 1 dazzled. channel. unique
Unending Night
Double your darkness. start of turn: Gain 1 darkness and increase this by 1 when you play a darkness card. unique.
Barkskin Glove
Gain 2 armor. Summon a Falcon into the opponent's discard pile. flanking: Upgrade all Falcons by 1.
basic attack
This combat increase the effectiveness of your summons by 1 for every 3 sated.
The next affliction you gain is increased by 5. Beginning next turn you are immune to that affliction for the rest of this combat.
one use: Select one of your talents and remove it. grounded.
Bless Pain
Gain zeal for each of your unique afflictions.
divine action
Venerable Suffering
Until the start of your next turn, gain 2 gold each time you gain a unique affliction. unique.
Weeping Wounds
This combat when you take damage gain 2 bleeding. When you suffer bleeding damage, inflict (bleeding/2) sickened.
divine enchantment
Holy Diver
This turn when you play a flow card, conjure a random virtue.
Chaotic Wellspring
This combat, the energy you gain at the start of your turn is randomized, and you gain an additional random energy.
start of turn: Gain 1 evasion. channel.
Deep Breath
Lose half of your anger. Regain half of your missing . Requires 10 anger. unique.
Gain (difficulty) infected. When you would heal this turn, instead inflict that much Poisoned.
Take Away the Pain
Steal a foe's affliction. Gain 3 rally.
Deal 1 damage 3 times. If this attack misses, prevent the foe's next melee attack.
melee basic attack
Rogue Wave
Deal damage equal to your sinister. Repeat for every Ebb card in your hand.
Sheer Determination
Select and play up to 3 enchantments from your deck. Lose 10, 25, or 45 . grounded.
one use: Gain 1 dazed and 2 pinned. cleanse an affliction and Heal 20 .
Forced Bed Rest
cleanse an affliction from your foe. At the end of their next turn, they discard their hand.
Play a basic attack based on the energy spent. Javelin, Whip, Stilleto, Talismam, Ink Bomb
Deal 2*STR damage. At the start of your next turn, repeat the damage and critical Hit.
ranged basic attack
Deal DEX damage. Inflict (4-DEX) dazed.
Deal INT damage. Repeat for every stack of focus.
magic basic attack
Convert your energy to . Gain 2 for each energy converted.
divine basic attack
Ink Bomb
Deal 4 damage. Gain darkness equal to damage dealt.
corrupted basic attack
Karkinos' Current
When you summon 3 clones in one turn, play a free Waterwall and advance.
Karkinos' Current II
When you summon 6 clones in a single turn, play a free split, change the tide, and advance. unique.
Karkinos' Current 3
When you summon 12 clones, gain Advanced Cloning and start combat with an additional clone. unique.
Frozen Forge
Inflict and gain 5 frozen. Add an Ice Sickle to your deck and upgrade it equal to all frozen.
magic frost action
Ice Sickle
one use: Deal 0 Damage. Inflict 1 frozen. reaping. untempered.
melee frost action
Harvest Festival
This turn when you play an ingredient, echo it.
Deal damage equal to corruptions in you foe's deck. Gain zeal equal to the damage you deal.
Code of Singularity
start of turn: conjure a Tabu Ritual. code: All other cards in your deck are unique.
Springloaded Holster
This combat, the first time you empty your hand each turn, draw a card. Activate: Play a free clarity. durability (1/1). unique.
Grand Theater
When you finish a performance, swap this to a different Location. unique. unplayable. persistent.
Emerald Dome
This turn, echo actions equal to your performance, then destroy this. unique.
Mosh Pit
This combat, when you perform take and deal damage equal to your performance. unique.
Quick Reflexes
This combat, the first time you evade damage on your enemy's turn, make a basic attack.
Hit Back...Harder
This combat, the first time your enemy damages you on their turn, gain 1 anger and make a basic attack. grounded.
Ritual of Balance
delve and play a totem 3 times. Remove 3 random totems. Balanced: Instead retain all totems.
Code of Cacophany
start of turn: perform 1 and conjure a random perform card. code: More than 50% of your deck is Infernal Racket.
This turn when you gain delirious, your foe gains 1 delirious, too. lasting.
Let's Be Friends!!!
If all combatants are delirious, they gain pacified this turn and 10 . unique.
Blood Pact
This round when one combatant loses , their opponent loses and equal amount. unique.
Let Rivers Run Red
This combat when is spent, all combatants gain 1 bleeding.
Quick Recharge
Reactivate all equipment. If a piece of equipment was already active, instead give it 1 durability. unique.
The Black Spot
on draw: You are marked! When you would gain evasion or armor, instead gain that much doom improved by stacks of Black Spot.
Ye Sentence Be Death
Add a Black Spot to your opponent's deck. sinister.
Lucky Purse
Whenever you conjure a Lucky Coin, you have Luck % chance to conjure another one.