caiotulli's cards
Hymn of Protection
Gain 6, 12, 20 barrier in 1, 2 or 3 turns.
divine action
Harsh Judgement
Deal damage equal to the sum of your blessings. (charges 3/3).
magic action
Full Wrath
Gain 5 anger, If Wrath Sin is on your deck, double the anger instead and inflict 2 vulnerable. unique.
corrupted action
Complete Envy
Gain 5 potency, if you have Envy Sin, inflict 1 bane and 3 random affliction. unique
Love Ruin
Whenever you inflict doom, inflict half of the amount of charmed
magic enchantment
Greed Grab
Gain 5 haste. If you have a Greed Sin in your deck, Gain 5 Gold and Choose One: Steal Energy or Steal a blessing. unique.
Growing Gluttony
Gain 5 regenerate. If you have a Gluttony Sin in your deck, inflict 16 stagger and Create 3 ingredients. unique
Slouch Sloth
Gain 10 barrier. If you have a Sloth Sin in your deck, Gain 10 additional barrier, inflict 1 sickened and 1 dazed. unique.
Last Lust
Gain 1 reflect. If you have a Lust Sin in your deck, turn your afflictions and enemy blessings into charmed and double them. unique.
Pride Play
Gain 5 rally. If you have a Pride Sin in your deck, inflict 1 dazzled, and Choose: delve a Banner or Play a Divine Action. unique
Old Omens
At the end of your turn, foretell (level) your discard pile.
Leech Familiar
Drain 4 health. corrupted: Add 2 extra points to Drain for every remaining charge. (charges 4/4)