jakexchange6764's cards
Baldur’s Bane
Arrows this combat inflict 1 bane and are reaping.
ranged enchantment
Activate to gain chain equal to this card’s durability. chain adds 1 additional damage. deplete: Gain Insulated durability 4
lightning equipment
Harvest Moon
Whenever you discard a card, gain 1 start of turn: conjure a random ingredient and gain 1 Soul. channel
one use: Add 1 Prank to your foe’s deck. garnish: inflict charmed equal to your potency.
Deal 1 Damage. Inflict frozen for each damage dealt. on Hit: If target is frozen upgrade Snowball by 1.
ranged frost basic attack
Activate: conjure a random Candy Balanced: conjure an item as well. deplete: conjure Lump of Coal durability: (3/3) unique.
magic equipment
Lump of Coal
Gain 1 Resilient for each card buried. Inflict 1 burning for each time your deck is shuffled. channel. persistent. upgradeable.
magic fire item
one use: Gain 1 and 1 haste garnish: Deal 1 damage for each Candy
divine fire ingredient
one use: Gain 1 and 1 haste garnish: Inflict 2 shocked Candy
divine lightning ingredient
one use: conjure a random Ammo garnish: delve a Custom Bomb
divine ingredient
Inventor’s Tools
Activate: Destroy a card in hand to add an effect to a card in hand. deplete: delve an Equipment and add it to your deck. durability: (2/2)
Nice List
Your blessings cannot be removed or depleted this turn. lasting. tidal: Inflict a random affliction with 1 stack. Then increase this by 1.
divine ebb action
Naughty List
Your Foe’s afflictions can’t be removed or depleted this turn. lasting. tidal: Gain a random blessing with 1 stack. Then increase this by 1.
corrupted flow action
You are immune to interrupt. Snares inflict Frost and deal additional damage equal to channel.
Sticky Sapling
Add 1 Snare to Foe’s Deck. finale: Gain for each Snare in Foe’s Deck Gain (0/25) Transform into Evergreen
one use: Inflict poison equal to your potency. Your Foe’s poison carries over to the next combat. grounded. unique.
corrupted item
Reclaim Shadows
one use: Gain the darkness you had at the beginning of this combat. Spend 10 souls to double it. grounded. unique.
Draw 3 Cards and discard them. Change the tide for each Card Discarded this way.
Small Ripples
Next Combat: at the beginning of combat, create a clone for each time you changed the tide this turn.
Steal all your Foe’s blessings. Inflict 1 jinx and 1 dazed. Permanently add the next card your opponent plays to your deck. unique. grounded
Ready Stance
When you play a surge card “expend a charge.” You are immune to jinx.
Dragon Nova
conjure a random Nova Card, make it free. At the start of your turn add 1 to your Nova Count. charges (2/2) persistent.
Arcane Nova
Add a random untempered mergecraft card to your deck. Upgrade it by 1. Repeat for each other Nova Card you’ve played. mergecraft: 1
Trap Nova
Add a Snare to your foe’s deck. Repeat for each other type of Nova Card you have played this combat.
This combat “Gain” is increased by your potency. start of turn: Gain 1 potency. grounded.
divine artifact