agentganon's cards
Parrot Familiar
Activate to repeat your next Surge deplete: Gain equal to your 3 durability
Code of Vengeance
start of turn: Create a Battlespear then upgrade all untempered cards equal to your missing code: You have at least 3 scars
divine code
This combat, upgrade your untempered cards equal to the damage you take. After 100 upgrades, remove this. unique
Tinkerer's Toolbox
If this card has any keywords, transfer one to another card in your hand. Otherwise, add a random keyword to this card. unique
Inky the Octopus
Activate to randomly trigger one of these effects 4 times: deal 1 damage, heal 1 , or gain 1 . 2 durability
Deal 3 damage. If the enemy has more than you, return this card to your hand. If this card is played 3 times in 1 turn, inflict 1 dazed
ranged action
Finders Keepers
one use: Gain 5 While this card is in your deck, Opportunities that you do not select are shuffled back into the Canto deck