olafleti's cards
Malign Transfusion
Remove one of your blessings, your foe gains a random affliction with stacks equal to the removed blessing. (swap, Benign Transfusion)
Benign Transfusion
Remove an affliction from your foe, gain a random blessing with stacks equal to the removed affliction. swap (Malign Transfusion)
Form of the Snake
Inflict 1 poison when you discard a card
Snake Skin
Transform into form of the snake. If you are in form of the snake, gain 1 potency.
Snake Fangs
Deal 2 damage, discard a card
melee basic attack
Sand In Your Pants
For the rest of combat, gain anger when the tide changes.
Magic Conch
Activate to delve a tidal card, change the tide. charges 3/3
Abhorrent Abjuration
This combat, gain 2 barrier when you draw a corruption
Chevy Nova
Gain 1 momentum. Repeat for each other nova card played this combat.
Clamshell Castanets
perform 1, change thetide
Hang Ten
This combat, gain evasion when the tide changes
Shiver Me Timbers
Gain reflect equal to your sinister. sinister.
Gain resilience equal to your anger.
Jolly Roger
start of turn, gain gold equal to your level. code, your deck contains only pirate cards.
Dark Infusion
Give a card darkness equal to it’s energy cost. charges 1/1. darkness 1
Deal 3 damage. Repeat start of turn effects
Season Shift
attune to a random season. Shuffle an Equinox and a Solstice into your deck.
Autumn Harvest
At the start of your turn, conjure an ingredient.
Winter Freeze
At the start of your turn, inflict frozen.
Spring Bloom
At the start of your turn, gain regenerate.
Summer Burn
At the start of your turn, inflict burning.
Autumnal Equinox
attune to Autumn
Winter Solstice
attune to winter
Vernal Equinox
attune to spring
Summer Solstice
attune to Summer
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