Winter Card Design Contest
677 cards entered
White Elephant
Activate to remove a card in your hand from your deck. Add a copy of a card from your enemy's deck to your deck. durability (1/1)
Nipping at the Nose
This turn, your spells inflict frozen equal to your remaining energy. At the end of your turn, inflict damage equal to your enemy's frozen
frost action
Chestnuts Roasting
At the beginning of your turn, conjure an ingredient. Your maximum sated is increased by 5. Your sated does not fade at end of turn. channel
fire action
Holy Night
one use: bury all non-Divine cards in your deck. You may not play non-Divine cards this combat. Divine actions deal critical hits
divine attunement
Silent Night
one use: bury all spells and enchantments in your deck. You may not casts spells or enchantments this combat. Attacks deal critical hits
Frigid Riposte
Inflict frozen to your opponent equal to your damage taken
Exchange Gifts
swap enchantments with your enemy. If you have no enchantments, gain stunned. If your enemy has no enchantments, inflict stunned.
Self Improvement
Whenever you're playing basic attack or Actions that gain bonus damage by blessings, upgrade it by 1.
Sword & Board
This combat, add an untempered Block to your hand whenever you make or play a basic attack.
Hark the Herald
If you have not played any attacks or spells nor inflicted any afflictions during your previous two turns, slay your foe. grounded. heavy
divine hymn
Flicker Jab
Shuffle a card, your next action deal (x) bonus damage for every card you've shuffled this turn. Enter Swift stance.
melee action
Swift Stance
Whenever you shuffle a card, gain evasion and swiftness. Immune to Slowed.
Titan’s Spoon
Deal 20 damage; inflict 1 stunned; interrupt; grounded
divine artifact
When you play a basic attack from hand, play a random basic attack from the deck, then shuffle a discarded basic attack into the deck.
Searing Blizzard
When frozen melts away, replace it with an equal amount of burning (does not trigger that turn)
magic frost enchantment
Code of Assassins
start of turn: Double Foes bleeding code: Deck contains only bleeding and/or basic attack
corrupted code