Winter Card Design Contest
749 cards entered

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Code of Siphoning
start of turn: Inflict 1 random hex. Your basic attacks become Hexglaives. code: all of your non-basic actions are corrupted.

corrupted code

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Code of the Cornered
Your melee attacks gain piercing. Gain ferocity equal to damage on critical Hit. You cannot gain . code: Begin combat below 10%

melee code

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

No Pain, No Gain
Gain 3 , then lose 3
, then gain 2
, then lose 2
, then gain 1


Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Card Sharper
Ondraw transform into a random playingcard unplayable

basic attack

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

This turn, gain 1 and
1 zeal whenever you spend
: Increase this by 1.


Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

perform, then conjure a Prayer. This turn, gain 1 zeal and 1 whenever you play a Divine Action.
: channel.

divine action

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Lengthy Sermon
This combat, add an untempered Prayer to your hand whenever you finish a performance. Your Prayer cards gain perform.


Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

one use: Gain 1 dazed. Draw a card.

corrupted action

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

delve and play an Ammo card, then deal 4 damage twice.

ranged basic attack

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Prayer Book
Activate to conjure a Prayer.
deplete: Gain for every Prayer you've played this combat.
5 durability.

divine equipment

Entered in the Winter Card Design Contest

Creeping Fog
Gain darkness equal to your sinister. unique. sinister.
