Faraday's shield
Gain chain equal to your armor. chain.
Full metal heart
code: You cannot receive any buffs Passive: You have fortified until you receive a buff.
Tome of darkness
In darkness Activate : add darkform,darkness 5,cursed to a card in your hand corrupted conjure a copy durability 3 darkness 7 cursed
corrupted equipment
Secret Lab
At start of turn delve a random potion. Destroy this after 5 uses
one use: Randomly gain 1 regenerate or 1 poison. garnish: conjure a random egg. swap at the beginning of your turn. persistent.
Rotten Egg
one use: Gain 1 potency. garnish: Trigger your foe's poison.
corrupted ingredient
Gift Egg
one use: conjure a potion. garnish: conjure an item.
Trying Times
conjure an egg.
Unlucky Rabbit
Activate: Inflict 1 jinx. deplete: conjure a free Rabbit Foot. durability (3/3).
The Pirate Bay
Reduce the cost of 5 cards in hand to 0 until played. Lower this amount bt 1 per use.
Jellyfish Throw
tidal: Gain 2 dazed. persistent. unplayable.
ebb action
Parrot Familiar
Activate to give the next card you play echo. deplete: Gain equal to twice the number of map cards in your deck. durability 3/3
Code of Chivalry
start of turn: Double your blessings. code: Your deck contains no duplicate cards.
divine code
Feed the flames
Inflict 3 burning. Double your foe's burning. bury 3 cards. unique.
Trigger all of your foe's burning stacks.
Goose Familiar
Activate: interrupt yourself and your foe. Whenever you or your foe are Interrupted, gain 1 anger. durability 3.