Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestCash Throw
Whenever you gain Gold conjure a Lucky Coin
divine enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design Contestabominable snow
Throw a snowball dealing 1 damage and inflicting 1 frozen. frenzy: Enhance the snowball, causing it to inflict 5 poison.
corrupted action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestUnholy Solstice
darkness 2 per distinct corruption in your deck. While in darkness, whenever you draw a corruption restore 20% of your Maximum darkness.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestCode of Blood
When you spend lose 5 . When you spend inflict 2 bleeding. bloodlust: lifedrain. code: all cards in your deck have in their cost
corrupted code
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestTidal Dancer
This Combat, whenever you start a performance, start a Dance instead. Whenever you change the tide, perform 1
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestDragonflight
Gain evasion equal to your focus. If you are in form of Dragon, gain swiftness as well. Free if agile. persistent.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestMissile-Dough
one use: conjure a random Ammo garnish: delve a Custom Bomb
divine ingredient
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestGrand Aria
Reset your performance. If you finish your current performance during this turn, echo its effects and conjure a Finishing Bow.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestKrim Spore
Gain 5 poison When you Gain poison Gain an equal amount of potency.
corrupted enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestKrimtouched
This turn your actions deal additional damage equal to your poison. lasting. persistent.
corrupted action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestKrodid Form
Gain 5 slow. This Combat when you spend energy deal 1 Damage. sinister.
corrupted enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestKrodid Aura
start of turn: Gain and Inflict 1 slow. Conjurations are effected by slow. channel. unique. sinister.
corrupted action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestKrodid Sight
foretell 1. Draw 1. synergy. This turn when you draw a card, gain equal to its cost. persistent. lasting. sinister.