Shuffle a card into your deck to draw a card. Return this if its the first round of combat. deplete: Draw a card. charges (3/3).
This combat gain whenever you deliver a crushing strike.
Court of Combat
This combat, dispel a blessing and gain whenever you interrupt.
Code of Legends
slay your opponent after playing 6 Legendary cards code: You have 6 or more Legendary cards in your deck
Living Legend
slay your opponent after playing 6 non-conjured Legendary cards The first Legendary card you draw each turn costs no energy.
Arcane Arrow
Deal 3 damage dispel a random blessing Empowered: conjure a copy of this card that costs .
ranged action
Burning Arrow
Deal 4 Damage Inflict 2 burning. Empowered: Trigger the foes burning.
Steel Arrow
Deal 3 damage Empowered: critical Hit
Frost Arrow
Deal 3 Damage Inflict 2 frozen Empowered: Inflict 1 slow
Storm Arrow
Deal 2 Damage chain. Empowered: Gain additional chain for each Lightning Action played this turn.
ranged lightning action
Serrated Arrow
Deal 4 damage Inflict 2 bleeding. Empowered: piercing.
Poison Arrow
Deal 3 Damage Inflict poison equal to the damage dealt. Empowered: Gain 1 potency.
Tome of Legends
Activate to conjure a Legendary card into your deck. The first Legendary card you draw each turn is free. durability (5/5)
Majestic Grandeur
After playing 10 different Legendary cards inflict Charm equal to your foes . The first Legendary card you draw each turn costs no energy.
Path of the Legend 1
After you play a Common card, gain 5 armor and advance.
Path of the Legend 2
After you play an Uncommon card, gain 5 and advance.