On-Draw: Take 2 damage and Gain 3 Max . Frayed: Gain 1 regenerate and 1 anger, then double it.
corrupted action
Functionalist Strike
Deal 3 damage. Repeat for every card in your hand without a pun.
melee action
Ritual of Balance
delve and play a totem 3 times. Remove 3 random totems. Balanced: Instead retain all totems.
This turn when you gain delirious, your foe gains 1 delirious, too. lasting.
Energy Drink
Gain a random energy for each activation this combat. 5 durability. deplete: Gain 1 dazed.
magic equipment
Ritual of Conformity
bury your hand. Choose a card in your deck. conjure a copy of the chosen card for each card you buried. unique
Quick Adaptation
Permanently replace a card in your deck with one of your opponent's cards. unique.
conjure 10 free copies of your foe's cards into your deck. Copy their blessings and draw cards equal to theirs.
conjure a free copy of a card from your foe's hand. ambush: Gain another.
Too Many Totems
Your totems trigger at the beginning and the end of the next two turns. At the end of the second turn reduce the number of totems by half.
Potato Cannon
Deal 3 damage. on Hit: Add a Hot Potato to your foe's deck.
ranged basic attack
Violent Mutation
If you are not in a form, take 10 damage, then shift into a random form. If you take no damage, destroy this and gain Stable Mutation.
Stable Mutation
Your form cannot be interrupted. Your form's start of turn effect triggers twice. End of turn: Trigger your form's discard effect.
Calm Wind
Gain 1 momentum. Draft: Add (momentum) stack as Updraft. swap.
magic action
Gain 1 Gale. Draft: Add (Gale) stack as Downdraft. swap.