joel6801's cards
Good Tidings
This turn, whenever you change the tide, dispel an affliction and gain health equal to the stack.
Add a stack to Hemogoblin for each point of bleeding you inflict. start of turn: Make a basic attack for every 10 stack.
corrupted enchantment
Code of Agony
All cost actions and attacks gain echo. code: You are below 50% health.
Love letter
on draw: gain 10 charmed for each card played this combat. conjure a free copy of this card into your opponent’s deck.
Corrupt Ritual
start of turn: Take 1 damage and gain . If this is in hand at the end of turn, increase damage by 2. persistent. defiled.
corrupted action
Solo Concerto
Select and complete a performance. Repeat for each completed performance this combat. grounded.
Code of The Prism
This combat, gain a random energy every time you play a card. code: Your deck contains cards of all energy types.
Bunny Ears
Gain 1 haste. shift into form of the Rabbit. If you were in form of the Rabbit, gain 1 evasion.
Bottled Lightning
one use: Add chain to a card. While in your deck, All lightning actions can appear in combat rewards. Convert their cost to UTRAL.