thewarden6606's cards
Code of Sanctity
start of turn: Conjour a Censorship. code: All other cards in your deck are firecast. unique.
divine code
An eye for an eye
This combat, whenever you gain a scar inflict a deep wound.
Red lense
Gain . While in your deck can turn into cards and card into an cards when you transmute them.
Festive Merryment
All enemies conjour a free another round at the start of their turn.
Prismatic Shell
Change the colour of your prismatic shell to match the energy spent. Gain 1 stack when you change colour. channel
magic action
Prismatic Shell GL
start of turn: Heal 2 per stack of Prismatic Shell. Gain impervious if you have 5 or more stacks. channel
Prismatic Shell BL
start of turn: Gain 1 barrier per stack of Prismatic Shell. cleanse an affliction if you have 5 or more stacks. channel
Prismatic Shell GR
start of turn: Gain 1 evasion per stack of Prismatic Shell. Gain swiftness if you have 5 or more stacks. channel
Prismatic Shell RD
start of turn: Gain 3 armor per stack of Prismatic Shell. Gain Fortified if you have 5 or more stacks. channel
Welcoming Hearth
one use: Add a campfire to the current canto.
Imp lightshow
This combat inflict 1 dazzled whenever you gain delirious.
Mind over matter
Gain 1 reflect, enter Meditation stance.
Meditation stance
When the enemy deals damage to you, gain barrier equal to half the damage taken. You are immune to bane.
This combat conjour an ingredient when you land a crushing blow.
After 1/2/3 turns restore 1/3/5 to a waning card in your deck.
Snow day
Inflict 1 frozen. ambush: Gain and inflict 100 frozen instead. unique.
Double Jeopardy
echo the next action you play. sinister. unique.
If you are executed this round inflict damage equal to the health you lost this round. unique
Learned Scholar
Your scholar effects trigger twice.
The whole hog
Remove all sated heal 2% of your max per sated. reliable. unique.
Radiant Reclamation
Convert to . Then randomize the energy this card gives.
one use: Pick a path you have in play and advance it. grounded.
Red Lense
transmute a card into a card or a card into a card. deplete Gain durability 3
Green Lense
Blue Lense
Rippling Mutagen
Assimilate: Add echo and defiled. unplayable. grounded.
corrupted item
Ghostly Mutagen
Assimilate: Add figmented and cursed. unplayable. grounded.
Destroy a card and add a base copy with a random mutagen to your deck. charges 1/1
corrupted action
Baby Mimic
Remove the top card of your deck for the rest of this combat. deplete: Destroy one of the removed cards. charges 3/3
Sheathe the Blade
Shuffle all Basic Attacks back into your deck. Gain 1 haste for each basic attack shuffled.
Bottled Lightning
Gain 0 chain, this card loses it's upgrades. If you have chain lose it and upgrade this card that much. chain. grounded.
lightning artifact
arcane delusions
Deal 5 damage. waning, when this card reaches 0 destroy it and add a base copy to your deck. mergecraft
Crab familiar
Activate: Low tide remove all the enemy armor; High tide gain 3 armor and fortified.
Deal 4 damage.
melee ebb basic attack
Deal 6 damage. interrupt
ranged flow basic attack
Nova the Rainbow
Conjour a free nova of each hue you have played this combat. unique
Activate to gain 1 ebb:momentum/flow:haste. Refresh when the tide changes. Durabillity 5
On conjour gain 1 dazzled and sickness. unplayable
Surfs up dude!
Gain 1 haste and draw a card.
delve a tidal card. Return to hand when the tide changes to Ebb. heavy. charges 3/3.
Prismatic Pearl
Infuse a random card in your hand, then set this cards cost equal to the infused cards but random energy. grounded.
Prose of the Cat
In 1 turn gain ferocity equal to your performance and your next attack critical hits.
Deal 3 Damage. swap
melee basic attack
The Pen is mighter
swap all Jian to Ink Brush. You gain poet.
Deal 10 damage convert all sated and posion to bonus damage. Add a gluttony to your deck. lifedrain.
melee action
Wait and see
Add a sloth to your deck. Until the end of this combat your foretell is increased by your slow. unique.
Arcanists Hubris
Add mergecraft to a random card in your deck, add a Pride to your deck. one use.
Driftwood Idol
This combat gain a totem each time the tide changes.
Deal 4 damage. Your next Harpoon (flow) this turn Interrupts.
Deal 6 damage. Your next Harpoon (Ebb) this turn Critical Hits.
Drowned Memories
This combat tidal cards counters are increased by the number of heavy cards in your discard pile on draw.
Dark Reflection
Fortell 3. Create an untempered, corrupted, cost copy of the fortold card. Does not work on unique cards. unique
Tide of battle
Gain fortified, this round gain 1 armor when you are attacked. tidal: gain 2 rally. persistent.
melee ebb action
Your next attack this turn critical hits, on Hit trigger you rally. ambush: It also gains piercing. persistent.
melee flow action
Reap what you sow
This combat after playing 5 seedlings, your next attack deals reaping damage and conjures a herb.
Recuve Bow
Deal 3 damage. flanking: discard a card. finale: draw a card for each card discarded this turn.
ranged basic attack
Hop to it!
Play Hidden Pouch if you have not already this combat. Enter form of the Kangaroo. unique.
Form of the Kangaroo
start of turn add Joey into your discard pile. Gain 1 momentum when you discard a card. channel.
one use: Restore 1 durabillity to your Hidden Pouch. grounded. Unttempered.
Prismatic Grindstone
Upgrade all cards matching this cards combination of type and colour. Then randomize this cards type and colour. unique.
magic artifact
Demonic Defiance
Gain 1 stack per 10% you lose. When dealt damage gain 1 rally per stack. At the start of turn lose a stack.
Dread Strike
Convert a stack of Demonic Defiance to [difficulty] anger. Then deal 5 damage.
Soul Splinter
Use to bind to your class. Use again to gain a talent from the bound class, then destory this card. grounded.