0men98's cards
Seven Deadly Sins
start of turn: Inflict random afflictions by the amount of Sins in your discard pile. code: Your deck must contain 7 sins of each type.
corrupted code
Swift Stance
Whenever you shuffle a card, gain evasion and swiftness. Immune to Slowed.
Flicker Jab
Shuffle a card, your next action deal (x) bonus damage for every card you've shuffled this turn. Enter Swift stance.
melee action
Self Improvement
Whenever you're playing basic attack or Actions that gain bonus damage by blessings, upgrade it by 1.
Formless Stance
Whenever you bury a card, conjure a Formless Punch. Immune to blessings and afflictions.
Formless Punch
Deal 3 Damage per total card buried in this combat. On-Hit: Upgrade this card by 1 (whenever it is).
ranged basic attack
Calm and Serenity
bury a card. Enter Formless stance. Change stance into Wrath stance whenever you gain a blessing or affliction.
Wrath Stance
Whenever you play cards that cost health, shuffle a Fury and draw a card. Your Fury will not heal you in this stance.
Money Hoarder
Return all unused Lucky Coins as Golds at the end of the turn. conjure Street Attraction at the start of the turn.
divine enchantment
Street Attraction
perform 1. Successful performance (by this card only) increase Lucky Coin damage by 1 permanently (in-game).
Hymn of Almsgiving I
Add a Present to both you and the opponent in 1 turn.
divine hymn
Hymn of Almsgiving 2
Add 3 Presents for both you and the opponent in 2 turns.
Hymn of Almsgiving 3
Add 5 Presents for both you and the opponent in 3 turns.
Code of Festival
start of turn: conjure a Peaceful Holiday. code: Your deck contain 0 damage cards.
divine code
Peaceful Holiday
Cast Peaceful Offering. If you have more present than your opponent, slay.
divine action
Peaceful Offering
You and your foe gain pacified. Both of your next action will add Present to opponent's deck. channel.
Oath of Battlemage
one use: Permanently convert all Magic type cards in your deck into Melee. Cards converted this way gain Arcane.
magic action
Close Combat Magic
Whenever you play a Card with Arcane effect, gain 1 focus and 1 momentum.
melee enchantment
Soul of Fimbulwinter
Whenever freeze affects you, gain 3 souls. Activate to Soulcast (2): conjure a Winter's Grace.
frost enchantment
Winter's Grace
perform 1. Soulcast (3) to perform 3 times. Reduce freeze by half and gain by the same amount.
magic frost action
Soul Forge
Soulcast (1): Add Soulcraft (1) to one of your cards on hand. unique.
Winter Gleam
Glimmer added this turn gain Shimmer as additional effect. unique.
Eye of the Winter
Whenever Glimmer with Shimmer effect was played, add another copy of it to foe's deck.
magic frost enchantment
Soul Mending
Gain (1) Soul for every upgraded card played this turn. lasting. upgradeable.
Snow Shoes
Enter Frost Footwork. Gain 1 evasion and 1 swiftness for every hit that inflict Frostbite.
frost action
Frost Footwork
On-Hit: Inflict frozen. If there's one already, inflict Frostbite.
frost form
Oath of Stability
start of turn: Draw 3 cards. Those cards gain reliable for this combat. Cards that doesn't benefit from it gain Stabilize instead.
Rune of Reliability
one use: Add reliable to a card in your hand. If the card was conjured, create a copy of this card instead.
Mimicry Potion
one use: Replaced your deck with your opponent. If you get killed, you'd return back to your normal self
corrupted item
Covert Operations
Whenever you play sinister, conjure a sinister card.
Activate to conjure a free Prestidigitation. basic attack inflict disarmed if this cost no energy when played. durability (6/6). unique.
Deal (0) damage. Damage increased by the loaded Bomb. On-draw: Load the bomb in this card.
Frost Battleaxe
Deal 5 damage. lifedrain if this hit frozen foes. frenzy: Inflict frozen by the damage dealt.
melee frost basic attack
Lord of Chaos
start of turn: Pick a random card on hand and cast Rune of chaos. Negative keywords on cards will be removed at the end of combat.
corrupted enchantment
Rune of Chaos
one use: Add a random keyword. Upgrade the card if possible.
Deal 3 damage. cascade: add 2 damage. swap all Longsword.
melee basic attack
Gain 3 Block. cascade: add 2 block. swap all Buckler.
Fortress Siege
discard all cards in hand. If there's bombs, play them instead.
ranged action
Endless Siege
Add a counter whenever you discard a bomb. At the start of the turn, reset the counter and conjure bombs of the same amount.
Chain Strike
Make a basic attack. Repeat () per chain stack. chain.
Heavy Assault
Make a basic attack. On-draw: add another keyword to this card.
Full Armament.
start of turn: conjure a "Make a basic attack" card, when played, conjured another.
Armament's Code
Gain a random blessing and a random energy. While this is in your deck, you have access to all "make basic attack" cards.
Death March
You only have (1) turns to kill the foe. If you are unable to do so, slay yourself. Increase the turn limit by 1 once you kill a foe.
Spike Shield
Gain 3 armor. Fortified: Deal (armor) damage. upgradeable.
basic attack
Fortress Stance
While in this stance: Heal 1 per 1 armor. Gain Fortified if you gain more than 5 armor.
While in this stance: Gain Fortified if you gain more than 5 armor. Fortified: Increase Max by 5.
Soul of Seeker
foretell 3. Draw all Hexswift cards if appear when Foretold. Hexswift.
Seeker's Aptitude
Gain 1 focus. Hexswift: Gain 1 momentum. Hexswift.
Seeker's Physique
Gain 1 evasion. Hexswift: Gain 1 swiftness. Hexswift.
Sanguine Physique
Whenever you take 1 damage, inflict 1 bleeding.
Frost Strike
Make a basic attack. When you have focus, inflict frozen equal to the damage dealt.
Boline Needle
Deal 2 damage. Increase damage by 1 per potion used in this combat. On-Hit: Concoct a potion.
Dragon blood Potion
One-use: Gain 2 anger, 2 regenerate and 2 focus. Your next attack inflicts critical Hit.
Alchemist's Staff
Potion can also be played via bury and discard effect.
magic artifact
Brewing Stand
Draw a potion if there's any potion in the discard pile. start of turn: Shuffle a potion into the deck.
Reactive Sword
Deals 4 damage. If there's a potion on hand, play it as well.
Self Treatment
start of turn: remove a random affliction, if there's none gain 1(+1/card draw last turn) regenerate.
Bloody Performance
perform 1. Whenever you inflict an affliction, perform 1 and draw a card.
Mounted Lance
Deal 2(+total charges card in deck) damage. deplete: Inflict deep wound when this hit. Charge 2/2.
Deal 2 (+x charges card in deck) damage. deplete: Inflict deep wound when this hit. charges 2/2.
Hellforged Sword
Deal 5 damage. frenzy: Inflict 1 bane and a random affliction. defiled.
Grace of Demon
If you inflict more than 1 affliction, inflict a hex.
Trading Permit
You now can trade card for the equivalent or better value at any NPC while this card is in this deck. valuable. unplayable.
Battle Looting
You now have access to monster cards of the monster you have killed while this card is in this deck. valuable. unplayable.
Weapon Modification
ambush: Remove untempered keyword from a card, otherwise upgrade by (1). upgradeable.
ambush: Remove untempered keyword from a card, otherwise upgrade it by 1. upgradeable. heavy.
Chaos Compass
You can read the chaos present before altering a card while this card is in this deck.
While this card is in this deck, all cards gain "On-draw: Remove a keyword and receive a new one.".
corrupted artifact
Soul of the Wretched
start of turn: While this is in your hand, burn 1 Soul. Your next reaping attack increase Max by the damage dealt. persistent.
corrupted action
Katana(Rework Idea)
Deal 5 damage. Inflict a critical Hit if this card costs 0. discard: Shuffle a Shirasaya.
ambush: Cut all card's cost on hand by 1. If there's already a card with 0 cost, discard it to play.
Iai Stance
start of turn: Draw a Shirasaya. Your next attack gains reaping. persistent.
Sheathing Motion
conjure a Shirasaya. Reset ambush. If this cost 0 energy, draw cards by the original cost of this card.
Speed Break IV
Gain (4) anger and rally. swap to a new ability if this card's cost was cut by 1.
Speed Break III
Gain 4 resilience and armor. swap to a new ability if this card's cost was cut by 1.
Speed Break II
Gain 4 impervious. swap to a new ability if this card's cost was cut by 1.
Speed Break I
Gain 4 and card draw. swap to a new ability if this card's cost was cut by 1.
Speed Break 0
discard everything to shuffle 4 Shirasaya. If this card costs 0, Play all the discarded cards.
Hit them Hard
Deal 4 damage. Whenever this is discarded, return this back to hand with +4 damage.
Relentless Strike
Make a basic attack. Whenever this is shuffled to the deck, Make a basic attack and return this back to hand.
Being Shady
On-draw: perform 1. While this card is in your deck, sinister will start at 1. upgradeable. unplayable.
Slim Shady
perform (sinister Value). Start a new performance if there's leftovers. sinister.
Shade of Maestro
You gain access to new type of performance. Gain (sinister Value) when a performance ends.
Dragon Heart
Heal 1%. start of turn: Gain 3 regenerate and increase the heal by 1%. persistent.
Dragon Scales
Gain (resilience value) armor and Fortified. start of turn:Gain 2 resilience every 1 restored. persistent.
Code of the Ancient
start of turn: Enter form of the Dragon. Gain a random blessing. code: Your deck only contains Dragon cards.
Dragon Madness
While this card is in your hand, Dragon cards gain reaping and rampage. persistent.
Shuriken (Rework)
Gain 1 evasion. Play or discard: Deal 2(+evasion Value) damage.
Curse Construct
start of turn: Gain 3 Insight per Hexes. Inflict (Construct) random afflictions, repeat it by (Tinker). Construct 4. unique.
magic item
Explosive Construct
start of turn: Add 10 damage per initial Construct. Construct (0): Explode the Construct. Construct 5.
ranged item
Alchemy Construct
The third Potion used this turn will be played as Enchantment instead. start of turn: Shuffle 3 Potions into the deck. Construct 2.
Homunculus Construct
End of Turn: Add 3 max to this Construct per 5 damage you take this turn. If you died, Revive with this Construct's . Construct 4.
Burial Decode
start of turn: bury a chosen card. tidal: swap this to Revival Enigma.
divine ebb code
Revival Enigma
start of turn: Return a chosen card from discard pile. tidal: swap this to Burial Decode.
divine flow code
Curse Doll
Inflict (bane Value) (Daze). start of turn: swap affliction type to a new one. Curse. persistent.
Deal 5 Damage. On-Hit: Spend 3 souls to create an untempered copy of this card. tidal: swap.
melee ebb action
Deal 5 Damage. On-Hit: Destroy an untempered card to upgrade this card by 1. tidal: Gain 2 souls and swap.
melee flow action
Nimble Body
discard a card in hand to gain 1 stack of Cat Vitality. Repeat for each haste.
Cat Vitality
Next fatal damage will be reduced to 1. Reduce this stack.
Serrated Dagger
Deal 2[[+Frozen_value]] Damage. Inflict bleeding based on damage dealt. swap all Serrated Daggers.
Barbed Dagger
Deal 2[[+Bleeding_value]] Damage. Inflict frozen based on damage dealt. swap all Barbed Daggers.
Ravenous Flight
start of turn: Gain Flight, if there's swap triggers this turn, swap.
Aerial Skydiving
start of turn: If Flight still active, change into Skydive. Your next attack gain reaping.
The Black Market
Whenever you spend , conjure a random card. End of turn: Spend 10 to make a permanent one. persistent. swap. unplayable.
Old Worn Bow
Deal 4 Damage. rebound (0/35): Transform into Srankos, the Heaven Piercer.
ranged artifact
Deal damage equal to 10% of your foe's Maximum Health. ambush: Inflict Stun. piercing. reaping.
Celestial Ore
Whenever you upgrade a card in this deck, upgrade this card as well. Upgrade (0/30): Transform a Basic Weapon into Celestial Weapon.
divine artifact
Demonic Ore
Whenever you upgrade a card in this deck, upgrade this card as well. Upgrade (0/30): Transform Basic Weapon into Demonic Weapon.
Sinner's Prayer
While this card is in this deck, Sins will have "On-draw: gain a random blessing. Repeat () per Sins cards in the deck.". unplayable.
Your basic attack can transfer a random afflictions you currently have. start of turn: Draw (1) Sins card. Increased by 1 per turn.
Highway Robbery
While this card is in this deck, you can interact with Bandits in Canto III.
Noble's Debutantes
While this card is in this deck, you can interact with Nobles in Canto III.
start of turn: foretell 3. Foretold cards gain keyword based on blessings until the end of combat.
magic enchantment
Herbal Paste
Whenever you spend or , gain potency. While this card is in this deck, potency increases the healing effect.
Blood Enhancer
Whenever you spend , gain potency. While this is in this deck, potency increases the healing effect.
Whenever you spend this turn, gain potency. While this card is in this deck, potency increases the healing effect.
Chaotic Exploration
While this card is in this deck, start the combat with a random affliction, blessing or . unplayable.
End of Turn: Convert 1 evasion into a clone. When played this during the first turn of combat, play it as an enchantment. unique.
Harmony Resonance
This turn, all healing effect is multiplied the amount of this card played (0). heavy.
Thunderous Might
End of Turn: Convert the remaining chain as anger. start of turn: Gain chain equal to half your anger.
Fist of Fury
This combat, Basic Attacks deals 1 bonus damage. Add 1 more whenever you evade an attack. unique.
Monstrous Atlas
End of Turn: Convert half of your rally as resilience. start of turn: Gain regenerate equal to half of your resilience.
Ravenous Reaper
End of Turn: Convert half of your ferocity as darkness. start of turn: Gain ferocity equal to your darkness.
Devious Joker
Gain a Devious stack per ambush effect triggered. End of Turn: Convert half Devious into a random blessing.
ambush gains (Devious) additional damage. channel.
Jester's Wildcard
Deal 3 Damage. Increased damage by 1 per potency. execute: Imbued an enchantment in your deck, else gain random Talent.
melee artifact
Aqua Nova
Create a clone. Repeat for other types of Nova card you played this combat ().
flow action
Scale Nova
Gain 1 resilience. Repeat for each other types of Nova card you played this combat ().
Chem Nova
Shuffle a potion into the deck. Repeat for each other types of Nova card you played this combat ().
Surge Nova
Gain a random energy. Repeat for each other types of Nova card you played this combat ().
Omen Nova
Gain (sinister) ferocity. Repeat for each other types of Nova card you played this combat (). swap. sinister.
Gain (sinister) burning. Repeat for each other types of Nova card you played this combat (). swap. sinister.
ebb action
It's Now or Nova
When Nova counts reach 10/20/30/40, your next Nova deals damage base on your foe's 10% max . Reset Nova counts if it's even.
Flagrant Nova
Your Nova this combat deals 1+(Nova counts) damage. execute: Upgrade this by total Nova cards played last turn.
Arsenal Mimic
On-Draw: Transform into a random basic attack with this cards upgrade. upgradeable.
Code of Diligence
When you spend to deal any damage, repeat all "start of turn" effects. code: Your deck only contains Divine cards.
Calm Wind
Gain 1 momentum. Draft: Add (momentum) stack as Updraft. swap.
Gain 1 Gale. Draft: Add (Gale) stack as Downdraft. swap.
Bankroll Art
Gain (2) when completing a performance. performance (10): Upgrade this by 2.
Spring of Daylight
Gain a stack when perform. At the end of the turn, gain Boon for each stack. swap. channel.
Spring of Nightfall
Gain a stack when perform. At the end of the turn, infilct bane for each stack. swap. channel.
Easter Magic
start of turn: Gain (1) Boon. This can be increased by focus.
Renewal Casting
Shuffle an Easter Egg, then draw a card.
Causa Nova
While in darkness gain 1 ferocity, otherwise inflict 1 bleeding. Novalty (0).
Stellar Nova
Gain a random start of turn effect, then repeat all start of turn effects. Novalty (0). channel.
Whale Familiar
Activate to return any card from the discard pile. Equip this at the start of combat if memorized. durability (7/7). unique.
Crispy Seaweed
one use: Add 1 Snare for each stack of sated to your foe's deck. garnish: Heal 2 for each Snare in foe's deck.
Coconut Milkshake
one use: Gain 5 sated, then inflict Marked. garnish: Gain 2 ferocity for each stack of sated.
Gain 3 regenerate, 3 barrier and 3 reflect. Increase this by 3 for each time this was played this combat.
Gain 1 per burning. Gain additional 1 for each round passed this combat.
Gain 1 burning, then inflict 1 bane. Gain additional 1 burning and inflict additional 1 bane for each round passed this combat.
Sunday Break
Gain Daze for each card on hand, then inflict half of it. If both was stunned from this, heal by 5% for each cards on hand.
Ver Nova
Reset Nova count by 1 to gain a stack of Springtime. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Frost Grape
one use: Inflict 1 frozen per Frost Grape you played this combat. garnish: Inflict bane Instead, then shuffle a Frost Grape into the deck.
corrupted ingredient
Spicy Crackers
one use: Inflict 1 burning per Spicy Crackers you played this combat. garnish: Double your foe's burning, then shuffle 2 Spicy Crackers.
Spring Rolls
one use: Gain 1 ferocity per Spring Rolls you played this combat. garnish: Upgrade this by 1 permanently, then shuffle 2 Spring Rolls.
Crypt Decode
Return a card from Exile pile to the deck at the end of the turn. Free if this figmented. channel.
Easter Egg
one use: Gain 1 anger, 1 rally, and 1 regenerate. garnish: Increase this by 1 per Easter Egg played this combat.
divine ingredient
Easter Hunt
start of turn: All combatants get an Easter Egg. Play it 3 times to get an extra turn. slay your foe if you get extra turn thrice in a row.
Spring of Life
While this card is in your deck, your healing effect permanently increase by 1 per heals during combat. valuable. unplayable.
Antlion's Sand Pit
start of turn: bury (1) cards. Increase this by 1 for each card in Exile pile. Imbue this as Enchantment if memorized. persistent.
Antlion's Cocoon
Transform this into Antlion Familiar once this card has been buried (0/5) times in a combat. firecast. unplayable.
Antlion Familiar
Activate: delve a bury card, then return a card from an Exile Pile to hand. deplete: Transform into Antlion's Cocoon. durability (4/4).
corrupted equipment
Siege Equation
Destroy a card in your hand to discard a card from your foe's hand. Destroy (0/3): Destroy all to discard all instead.
Undying Strike
Deal 5 damage. Discarded: Return this to hand, then double the damage this card deal. rampage. Fading.
Hellforge Stance
When you upgrade a card, upgrade a random card within the deck with equivalent stats. Immune to defiled.
Reforged Desires
Destroy a card in hand to add a copy with +1 Upgrade. If a blessing was removed this turn, +1 Upgrade per blessing removed.
Forging in Hellfire
Remove a random blessing to upgrade a card with the blessing value removed.
Hellsmith in-Charge
Destroy a card in the deck to upgrade a card in hand. Enter Hellforge stance.
Totem of Spring
start of turn: Gain [[enchantment stacks]] regenerate. Draw a card for each heal >10 . unique.
Totem of Illusion
start of turn: Create [[Enchantment stacks]] clones. Clones can repeat Range and Magic Action. unique.
Totem of Decay
start of turn: Inflict [[Enchantment Stacks]] Decay. reaping triggers Decay [[Enchantment Stacks]] times. unique.
Totem Dance
This combat, conjure a Totem Dance at the start of the turn. Summon a Totem when you finish a performance.
Healing Dance
perform 1. Heal 1 for each Totem you have.
Seasonal Dance
perform 1. attune to a random Season.
War Dance
perform 1. Gain 1 anger and 1 ferocity for each Totem you have.
Ceremonial Dance
perform 1. Gain souls for each Totem you have.
Soul Seedling
Spend a souls to increase Max souls by 1. rebound (0/30): Convert this to Soul Blooming.
Soul Blooming
Spend a souls to get Tempered Soul Talent. rebound (0/25): Convert this to Soul of Undying.
Soul of Undying
start of turn: Your attack gains additional damage to current souls you have. Imbue this if you have 150 souls.
Kick-Up a Notch
Deal 2 damage. on Hit: interrupt. Discarded: Return this card to hand with double damage. persistent.
Pipe it Down
Deal 1 damage. on Hit: Stun. Increase this by 4 for each persistent cards you have on hand.