0men98's cards
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSwift Stance
Whenever you shuffle a card, gain evasion and swiftness. Immune to Slowed.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestFlicker Jab
Shuffle a card, your next action deal (x) bonus damage for every card you've shuffled this turn. Enter Swift stance.
melee action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSelf Improvement
Whenever you're playing basic attack or Actions that gain bonus damage by blessings, upgrade it by 1.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestFormless Stance
Whenever you bury a card, conjure a Formless Punch. Immune to blessings and afflictions.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestFormless Punch
Deal 3 Damage per total card buried in this combat. On-Hit: Upgrade this card by 1 (whenever it is).
ranged action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestCalm and Serenity
bury a card. Enter Formless stance. Change stance into Wrath stance whenever you gain a blessing or affliction.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestWrath Stance
Whenever you play cards that cost health, shuffle a Fury and draw a card. Your Fury will not heal you in this stance.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestMoney Hoarder
Return all unused Lucky Coins as Golds at the end of the turn. conjure Street Attraction at the start of the turn.
divine enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestStreet Attraction
perform 1. Successful performance (by this card only) increase Lucky Coin damage by 1 permanently (in-game).
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestHymn of Almsgiving I
Add a Present to both you and the opponent in 1 turn.
divine hymn
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestHymn of Almsgiving 2
Add 3 Presents for both you and the opponent in 2 turns.
divine hymn
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestHymn of Almsgiving 3
Add 5 Presents for both you and the opponent in 3 turns.
divine hymn
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestCode of Festival
start of turn: conjure a Peaceful Holiday. code: Your deck contain 0 damage cards.
divine code
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPeaceful Holiday
Cast Peaceful Offering. If you have more present than your opponent, slay.
divine action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPeaceful Offering
You and your foe gain pacified. Both of your next action will add Present to opponent's deck. channel.
divine action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestOath of Battlemage
one use: Permanently convert all Magic type cards in your deck into Melee. Cards converted this way gain Arcane.
magic action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestClose Combat Magic
Whenever you play a Card with Arcane effect, gain 1 focus and 1 momentum.
melee enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSoul of Fimbulwinter
Whenever freeze affects you, gain 3 souls. Activate to Soulcast (2): conjure a Winter's Grace.
frost enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestWinter's Grace
perform 1. Soulcast (3) to perform 3 times. Reduce freeze by half and gain by the same amount.
magic frost action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestWinter Gleam
Glimmer added this turn gain Shimmer as additional effect. unique.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestEye of the Winter
Whenever Glimmer with Shimmer effect was played, add another copy of it to foe's deck.
magic frost enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSnow Shoes
Enter Frost Footwork. Gain 1 evasion and 1 swiftness for every hit that inflict Frostbite.
frost action
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestFrost Footwork
On-Hit: Inflict frozen. If there's one already, inflict Frostbite.
frost form
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestOath of Stability
start of turn: Draw 3 cards. Those cards gain reliable for this combat. Cards that doesn't benefit from it gain Stabilize instead.
divine code