deadnotsleeping's cards
Blood Engraver
Permanently give a non-cursed card in your deck a random Keyword, and cursed. unique. cursed.
corrupted artifact
Thousand Cuts
Deal 5 damage and draw a card. on Hit: Create an untempered copy of this card. waning charges (2/2)
melee action
delve and conjure a Rune to your discard pile.
magic action
Rune of Youth
Draw: Gain a random energy then discard this.
magic item
Runic Forge
conjure a random Rune to your discard pile for each energy remaining.
Rune of Freedom
Draw: conjure a copy of the left-most card in your hand, then discard this.
Multiform Wand
Create an untempered copy of a card in your hand. unique.
magic artifact
melee artifact
Recalling Arrow
Deal 2 damage twice. untempered.
ranged action
Toy Wrench
Deal 4 damage. on Hit: conjure an Item to your discard pile.
melee basic attack
conjure a random corruption into the enemies deck.
conjure a random Bomb. 3 durability.
Sack of Infinity
Store a card from your deck and return this card to your hand. deplete: Add all stored cards to your hand. charges (4/4) persistent.
Break an Arm
Deal 1 damage for each corruption in your hand. conjure a Broken Bone upgradeable.
Arcane Core
Activate: Upgrade this card by 1. 3 durability Once this card reaches 20 upgrades, swap into Golem Familiar, retaining current upgrades.
magic equipment
Volatile Core
Automatically equipped at the start of combat. start of turn: Deal 5 damage and expend a charge. 5 durability. deplete: Die.
corrupted equipment
Drain Evil
cleanse ALL afflictions. Add a Malediction to your deck and upgrade it for each affliction cleansed. unique.
Deal 0 damage. Inflict a random affliction. untempered.
corrupted basic attack
Triumph's Edge
Add an untempered copy of your basic attack into your deck. Upgrade it by 1 for each enemy you've defeated.
Metal Detector
Activate: Gain an additional 3 gold on victory. 5 durability deplete: Gain a Booty and remove this card.
Fishing Rod
Activate: Have a 1% chance to gain a random Elite basic attack 5 durability
Prismatic Form
start of turn: Heal 1 for each energy spent last turn. When you discard a card, gain a random energy type. channel.
divine form
Deal 5 damage. critical Hit if you have a buried code.
divine basic attack
Code of Battle
Basic attacks echo. code: Your deck contains only one basic attack.
divine code
Unending Chalice
delve a potion. start of turn: conjure a copy of that potion.
divine artifact
This combat, whenever you deplete a card, add a durability to an active equipment.
magic enchantment
Gilded Tattoo
While this is in your deck, you no longer gain experience but gain triple gold from combat rewards. unplayable.
corrupted enchantment
Remove a card from your deck and sell it to the Collector. one use.
Scroll of Decay
Deal damage equal to your focus. reaping. charges (1/1)
Scroll of the Prism
Convert your remaining energy to random types. charges (1/1)
Scroll of Vengeance
Deal 1 damage. Increase this by 1 for each action made by the opponent this combat. charges (1/1)
corrupted item
Fiend Form
When you draw a Divine card, take damage equal to it's cost and then bury it. channel.
corrupted form
Deal damage for each cursed card in your deck. Repeat that effect for each . defiled.
corrupted action
Deal 1 damage. perform 1. corrupted: Repeat for each corruption in hand. upgradeable.
Add an untempered Towershield to your deck.
Silent Strike
The next Melee Action you make gains 'ambush: critical Hit' for this combat. unique.
Dance Practice
Select a card from your hand and give it 'perform 1' for this combat.
The next basic attack you play from hand becomes your set basic attack. conjure an Arcane Anvil. unique.
Frail Education
Increase Experience gain percentage by your number of souls. Reduce Soul Cap by 50.
Code of Diversity
At the start of combat, conjure an Arcane Anvil. code: Have no more than one of any basic attack.
start of turn: conjure a free Triumphs Edge code: Your deck has no basic attacks.
Enslaved Priest
Activate: Spend 10% of your and heal an equal amount. 3 durability
Calling Coin
Convert a companion into a Familiar. one use.
Enslaved Merchant
Activate: Spend 10% of your and conjure a random Item. Refresh 1 durability when you gain . 2 durability
Enslaved Enchanter
Activate: Spend 10% of your gold to imbue a random enchantment. 2 durability
Vital Siphoning
Gain and inflict 1 bleeding. Steal maximum equal to ALL bleeding. upgradeable. charges (3/3)
Mystic Scribe
delve and play a non-active Grimoire. Increase the cost of this card by this combat. charges (3/3)
Sick Highfive!
Gain and inflict 1 sickened for each card in hand.
Broken Watch
Take an extra turn. At the start of your opponents next turn, gain stunned. unique.
Cursed Doll
Inflict 1 random affliction. Permanently increase this by 1. unique.
Mutating Homunculus
Deal 5 Damage execute and corrupted: Permanently gain a random Keyword. unique.
A Clockwork Origin
Gain 3 haste. This combat, whenever you change the cost of a card, gain and .
Easily Corrupted
End of Turn: Gain corrupted: Play this as an enchantment instead.
Blighted Vessel
Reduce the enemy's by this cards cost. Increase this cards cost by . defiled.
Deathdealer's Spade
Return a card from your discard pile to your hand. Gain equal to its cost. 3 durability.
foretell equal to your Gain 1 momentum for each card Foretold. 3 durability
Arcane Arrow
Deal 3 damage dispel a random blessing Empowered: conjure a copy of this card that costs .
Burning Arrow
Deal 4 Damage Inflict 2 burning. Empowered: Trigger the foes burning.
Steel Arrow
Deal 3 damage Empowered: critical Hit
Frost Arrow
Deal 3 Damage Inflict 2 frozen Empowered: Inflict 1 slow
Storm Arrow
Deal 2 Damage chain. Empowered: Gain additional chain for each Lightning Action played this turn.
ranged lightning action
Serrated Arrow
Deal 4 damage Inflict 2 bleeding. Empowered: piercing.
Poison Arrow
Deal 3 Damage Inflict poison equal to the damage dealt. Empowered: Gain 1 potency.
Energy Drink
Gain a random energy for each activation this combat. 5 durability. deplete: Gain 1 dazed.