Winter Card Design Contest
670 cards entered
Mass production
start of turn: A random Construct effect that is in play gains 1 additional stack. Construct 3
Bladestorm construct
start of turn: Deal 4 damage. Inflict bleeding equal to the damage dealt. Construct 2. unique.
Sentry Construct
start of turn: Gain 2 armor and barrier per stack. barrier cannot be dispelled. Construct 2. unique
Akerue Cookies
one use: delve a revelation. scholar: delve a revelation. grounded.
magic item
Martial Artist
perform 1 each time you critical Hit. interrupt each time you finish a performance. You are immune to interrupt. stance.
Up To No Good
This combat when you spend gain an equal amount of sinister. If Imbued: You are corrupted.
corrupted enchantment
Burning Wish
Select 2 cards from your deck. bury one at random, then draw the other.
divine action
Swing of Fate
Deal 8 damage. Whenever an Opportunity is buried, upgrade by 4. execute: Shuffle an Opportunity into the Area Deck.
melee action
Puppet Master
This turn, if you slay your foe through charmed, start your next combat with your foe as a Puppet.
Sea dragons blessing
Change the tide and trigger your start of turn effect. tidal: Your start of turn effects happen twice. persistent.
Draconic Ire
Deal 20 damage. Reduce the cost by 1 for each turn this starts in your hand. Also inflict 10 burning if not conjured and costs 0. persistent
magic action
Dragon’s Greed
Deal 5 damage. on Hit: gain 3 , this value is increased by 3 for each turn this starts in your hand. persistent.
Dragon Tail
Deal 10 damage. Inflict 4 dazed, reduced by 1 for each turn this starts in your hand. persistent.
Activate to deal 6 piercing damage. durability 5 upgradeable
Dragon Madness
While this card is in your hand, Dragon cards gain reaping and rampage. persistent.
corrupted action
Code of the Ancient
start of turn: Enter form of the Dragon. Gain a random blessing. code: Your deck only contains Dragon cards.