All cards in your hand gain chain for the remainder of combat. (charges 2/2).
Multiple Redundancy
When you play a card, gain momentum equal to the number of copies of it in your deck. code: Have no fewer than 2 of each other card.
This combat, every time you gain 5 chain in a turn, your next action that turn inflicts a critical Hit.
lightning enchantment
Your Basic Attacks and Lightning cards gain a 10% chance to critical Hit equal to your chain.
Your Basic Attacks and Lightning cards have a 10% chance to critical Hit for each stack of chain.
While this card is in your hand, gain swiftness when you gain evasion. unplayable. persistent.
ebb action
Deal 3 piercing damage. Repeat for each stack of swiftness and evasion.
flow action
Titan Glove
Your Strength is 5. If played with Thief's Toolbelt and Thinking Cap, destroy this and add Heroic Garb to your deck.
Thief's Toolbelt
Your Dexterity is 5. If played with Titan Glove and Thinking Cap, destroy this and add Heroic Garb to your deck.
Thinking Cap
Your Intelligence is 5. If played with Titan Glove and Thief's Toolbelt, destroy this and add Heroic Garb to your deck.
Heroic Garb
Choose a stat. While equipped, it is set to 5. Activate to fill your energy with . represents all colors. durability (1/1). grounded.
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