Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestThawing Breath
Gain 3 focus, then cleanse your frozen. flow (0/3): shift. persistent.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestOuija Board
Activate: conjure a free copy of a random card in your discard pile. deplete: Trigger ancestral effects on cards in your hand. 3 durability.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestWelcoming Hearth
one use: Add a campfire to the current canto.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestThe Christmas Spirit
Whenever you gain souls, inflict an equal amount of frozen
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestChocolate Coin
one use: Gain 3 . garnish: conjure a Lucky Coin.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestPancake
This combat conjour an ingredient when you land a crushing blow.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestMissiletoe
conjure a random Bomb. 3 durability.
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestDullahan
Cast me three and set me free! Find my head and a reward for thee! deplete: Add 'Head of Dullahan' into your deck. durability (3/3). unique.
corrupted artifact
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestHead of Dullahan
My head I see! I'm filled with glee! And for thee! A death decree! This combat inflict doom equal to damage done
corrupted enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestTrue Vampire
You are not affected by your foe's reflect.
corrupted enchantment
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestSnowball
Deal 1 Damage. Inflict frozen for each damage dealt. on Hit: If target is frozen upgrade Snowball by 1.
ranged frost basic attack
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestDancer's Fan
Deal 1 Damage. on Hit: Inflict 1 drowning tidal: Increase this drowning by 1
melee flow basic attack
Entered in the Winter Card Design ContestToymaker’s Tool
Deal 2 DMG. Inflict dazzled cascade or flow: echo on Hit: (0/3) Add untempered Toy Cannot be reliable.
magic basic attack