jakefromsparr.'s cards
Tin Soldier
Create a clone. start of turn: Gain armor for each of your clones. Gain evasion: Gain Fortified. channel.
Toy Soldier
Create a clone. start of turn: Add 1 Snare for each of your Clones. Gain evasion: Increase this by 1. channel.
Wooden Soldier
Create a clone. start of turn: Gain 1 for each of your Clones. Gain evasion: Increase this by 1. channel.
Activate to Create a clone. Clones deal 1 additional Damage for each durability. deplete: Gain Playtime durability: (4/4)
You are immune to interrupt. When an attack would interrupt you, discard a card from their Hand.
Collector’s Edition
This combat when you disperse a clone gain 1 anger and 1 burning. channel.
Ghost of Past
one use: Destroy a card in your discard. Lose all This combat reduce damage you take by the cards in your discard. start of turn: Gain
Ghost of Present
one use: Destroy a card in your hand. Lose all This combat reduce damage you take by the cards in your hand. start of turn: Gain
Ghost of Future
one use: Destroy a card in your deck. Lose all This combat reduce damage you take by the cards in your deck. start of turn: Gain
Toymaker’s Tool
Deal 2 DMG. Inflict dazzled cascade or flow: echo on Hit: (0/3) Add untempered Toy Cannot be reliable.
magic basic attack
Jack in the box
Add 1 random Snare, Prank, or Terror Spend 1 Soul to Animate untempered. Toy.
magic item
Model Car
Gain 1 haste. Inflict 1 slow. Spend 1 Soul to Animate untempered. Toy
Wood Block
Gain 1 armor for each effect you are channeling. Destroy if burning. Spend 1 Soul to Animate. untempered. Toy.
Chattering Toy
Gain Delirous. Drain 1 . Spend 3 souls to Animate. untempered. Toy.
Bouncy Ball
perform 1. Then perform 1 again. Spend 2 souls to Animate. untempered. Toy.
The Puppet
echo your next action. Animated: ALL actions gain echo. Including your Foe’s. Spend 50 souls to Animate. untempered. Toy.
corrupted item
on draw: Gain 1 burning. perform (0/25) one use: Spend 50 souls to Temper 1 untempered card in hand. persistent. grounded. unique.
magic action
Ghostly Visions
foretell 1. Inflict doom for each card Foretold. rebound (0/1) gain darkness and increase this foretell, darkness, and rebound value by 1.
corrupted action
Fae Light
This Combat conjure an Faelit copy of any cursed Card that you bury. cursed.
magic enchantment
Fae Sight
This Combat when you would foretell, foretell Buried cards instead.
The Faerway I
After you bury 2 or more cards in 1 Turn, foretell 3 and draw 1, then advance.
The Faerway II
After you bury a total of 5 or more cards, Add a Prank to your Foe’s deck for each card you’ve buried this combat, then advance.
The Faerway III
After you have shuffled your deck a total of 3 times, reset the shuffle count, gain Faegrasp and destroy this card. unique.
This combat you may choose to draw from your Buried cards instead. If you do, lose 1 . When played or obtained, permanently Imbue.
Harvest Sanity
Lose 1 for each of your unique blessings. Your blessings do not disperse at the end of your turn. lasting. defiled.
Reduce incoming piercing damage by your focus. Your focus cannot be removed. Can only be channeled with channel.
Arcane Formation
This Combat: when you change the tide, disperse a clone and conjure 1 free mergecraft Card. mergecraft 1. channel.
magic ebb action
Arcane Forge
Activate: delve 1 free mergecraft Card then conjure it to your hand. deplete: Upgrade all your mergecraft Cards by 3. durability: (3/3)
magic equipment
Corrupted Arcana
Destroy a mergecraft card to upgrade all other mergecraft cards. Add its upgrades. cursed cards 1 extra upgrade. defiled. unique.
one use: Add a copy of a card to your deck. It Gains sinister and persistent. Sunforge: Make it Free. grounded. sinister.
The Other Hand
Right Hand: conjure copies of the cards in your hand to your deck. Upgrade them. corrupted: Left Hand: bury your opponent’s Hand.
corrupted artifact
Midnight Breach
Gain darkness Equal to your Foe’s drowning. tidal: Inflict 1 drowning. persistent. grounded. unique.
corrupted ebb action
Deal Damage Equal to your darkness. grounded. unique.
corrupted flow action
Form of the Wolf
Whenever you discard a card, gain 3 momentum. start of turn: gain darkness equal to your momentum. channel.
Form of the Ghost
When you discard a card, gain 1 Soul. start of turn: Spend 3 souls to gain impervious. If you cannot, disperse form of Ghost. channel
corrupted form
Spiteful Stance
When you take 5 or more damage in an attack gain 1 reflect. You are immune to piercing.
Hold Breath
start of turn: Inflict 1 drowning. If you played no cards this round, double the amount. channel.
Primal Surge
This turn when you play a Surge Card Gain chain. When you Gain chain, deal damage equal to your chain. chain.
start of turn: Gain 1 darkness. End of turn: if you have energy, take damage equal to your darkness. channel. upgradeable.
start of turn: if you have 5 clones, disperse them. Lose 1 for each. When you would create a clone, gain sinister and anger instead.
corrupted enchantment
Thought Counts
Activate: Add 1 Snare to Foe’s deck. Snares gain figmented. Gains 1 durability when Foe plays a Snare. durability: (2/2)
Sinister Sigil
Add a defiled Snare to your Foe’s Deck. It costs 1 . sinister.
Black Heart
start of turn: You and your Foe heal 1 . When your Foe heals, they lose an equal amount of Max . channel. sinister. unique.
Binding Ceremony
bury a Bounding Blade and begin a Binding on it: Sensebinding, Formbinding, Aurabinding, or Dreambinding.
divine performance
(0/4) Randomly gain 1 of 4 Bindings. A card can only be Sensebound once: Siegebound , Gravebound , Windbound , Ashbound
(0/8) Randomly gain 1 of 4 Bindings. A card can only be Formbound once. Rimebound, Shockbound, Blazebound, Tidebound.
Aurabinding: (performance 12) Randomly gain 1 of 3 Bindings. A card can only be Aurabound Once. Goldbound, Pathbound, Forgebound
performance: (0/20) transmute a Boundless Blade into Dreambound Blade
Boundless Blade
Deal 0 DMG. When Buried permanently increase DMG by 1. Bindings are removed at end of combat. firecast.
divine basic attack
Dreambound Blade
Deal 1 DMG. Increase for each Binding on this card. Bindings are Permanent. figmented.
divine artifact
Binding Stance
While in Binding stance: when you would perform, perform a Binding Ceremony instead. When you take DMG from zeal perform 1.
This combat your Foe takes their poison DMG when you play a card.
Form of the Rose
start of turn: if you are at full , play Nope! When you discard a card gain 1 rally. channel.
divine form
Form of The Thorn
start of turn: Play Caltrops When you discard a card inflict 1 bleeding. channel.
Form of the Fox
start of turn: Add 1 Snare. discard: Upgrade Snares by 1. If interrupted: play form of the Rabbit channel
Form of the Rabbit
When Played: Gain 1 . You are immune to interrupt. When you discard: Play form of the Fox. channel.
foretell 1. Gain 1 zeal. The next basic attack you play is upgraded by your zeal. Sunforge: Add a Copy to your Deck. synergy. persistent.
divine action
Glorious Purpose
start of turn: Lose 1 focus. When you would receive DMG from a card: Gain zeal instead. End of Turn: If you have 0 focus bury this Card.
Cursed Gold
one use: Double your While this is in your deck any card you add to your deck gains sinister. sinister.
Warped Star
1 DMG for each Warped Star Played start of turn: discard a Warped Star from hand to prevent next DMG channel
Lucky Break
one use: The next time you would receive damage: gain that much Luck instead. Upgrade Basic attacks by Luck. unique. grounded.
Makin Bad Look Good
This Combat: When you play a sinister card inflict Charm Equal to your sinister ( ). sinister.
Channel Aethos
Your blessings cannot be stolen, depleted, or turned by your foe channel with unique.
Up To No Good
This combat when you spend gain an equal amount of sinister. If Imbued: You are corrupted.
Martial Artist
perform 1 each time you critical Hit. interrupt each time you finish a performance. You are immune to interrupt. stance.
Make a Run For It
Gain 1 haste. Gain momentum equal to your haste. If you drew a card: echo. agile: Upgrade. upgradeable. charges: (1/1)
Deal 1 DMG for each Snare in your Foe’s Deck. corrupted: slow increases this DMG. grounded.
corrupted basic attack
Currency Exchange
This turn when you gain chain gain 1 . Start of next turn: gain chain equal to your . charges: (2/2)
Takesies Backsies
Remove all corruptions from your foe’s deck. Gain sinister for each card removed. Gain equal to sinister. sinister.
Whoopsie Daisy
Gain when your foe plays a card that did not start in their deck. start of turn: Gain sinister equal to sinister. channel.
Tinsel Town
Snares Inflict 1 dazzled, and are defiled. Swapped: Gain 1 dazzled persistent. swap. sinister.
Snares inflict (1) burning. Played: increase (1) Permanently. Swapped: Take (1) DMG. persistent. swap. sinister.
Hallowed Earth
Cards cannot be buried. Played: conjure Buried Cards. When Swapped: bury a card. persistent. swap. sinister.
Distant Shores
When you change the tide, change it again. When Swapped: You are Interrupted. persistent. swap. sinister.
Encore! Encore!
When you perform, perform again. When you finish a performance, start a new one. channel. unique.
Lost Scrolls
Activate: deplete a Grimoire you own. deplete: delve a Grimoire and add it to your deck. durability: (1/1)
Echo Cave
start of turn: conjure free copy of last card played. Swapped: Foe conjures last card played. persistent. swap. sinister.
Someplace Familiar
When you gain souls, Gain an equal amount of darkness. Swapped: Gain 2 dazed. persistent. swap. sinister.
Where Am I? Swapped: Gain (1) darkness then Permanentky increase by 1. persistent. swap. unplayable.
Divine actions inflict bleeding for each If you have 3 or more scars: All your actions are Divine
divine enchantment
No Soap, Radio!
cleanse 1 affliction. If you do: Gain 1 chain, 1 sinister. synergy. chain.
Deal 1 DMG. on Hit: drowning DMG inflicts an equal amount of burning. Change the tide.
magic fire action
Well Timed Dodge
When you would take DMG from an attack choose 1: interrupt yourself to Negate it. OR Gain 1 slow. channel.
Dragon Heart
Gain 1 Temporary Max then Gain 2 start of turn: Increase each by 1. persistent.
Easy There…
start of turn: Inflict charmed for each damage you took since last turn. discard when you inflict DMG on your turn. channel.
melee action
Activate: Add valuable to a card in hand. valuable cards inflict dazzled when played. deplete: Gain Inconsolable durability: (2/2)
Emergency Glass
When destroyed add 1 emergency glass to your deck. Activate: Return a destroyed card to your hand. deplete: Destroy this durability: (1/1)
corrupted equipment
True Nova
Increase your Nova Count. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.