felix._.jaeger's cards
Gain and rally. frenzy: Draw a card charges (2/2).
Sanguine Scrying
Draw 2 cards. Gain 2 bleeding.
Gain 1 anger. Take 1 damage. Draw a card.
Deal 6 damage. frenzy: Restore 20% of your missing .
melee basic attack
Body of Steel
This combat, gain reflect equal to the you gain.
The wheel
Skip the current canto
Lose half your current . Gain 1 rally and anger for every 10% of your missing Maximum Health
Each time you play a Potion this combat, add an "Empty Bottle" card to your deck.
Empty Bottle
When you visit the Alchemist, remove this from your deck. You gain 5 Gold unplayable
Broken Glass
This round, inflict 3 piercing damage and 1 bleeding when your foe plays an action
Empty Bottle v2
Deals 5 damage and inflicts 3 bleeding Create a Broken Glass one use
ranged item
Break the Code
If you have at least 5 Codes in your deck, they are all activated.
corrupted enchantment
Whenever you cast a card, cast any copies of it that remain in your deck. code: Your deck contains exactly two copies of each card
divine code
Final Ascension
Take an extra turn At the end of that turn, you take damage equal to your health. This damage can't be prevented. grounded
divine action
Til Death to us part
one use: When you next die this turn, instead heal to full health, become Undead and replace all your basic attacks with the Scythe.
corrupted action
The Christmas Spirit
Whenever you gain souls, inflict an equal amount of frozen
Snow Mercy
Whenever you would apply frozen this turn, instead heal for an equal amount charges (2/2)
magic frost action
Abdominal Snowman
All cards with a six pack have echo
frost enchantment
The Sphinx's Riddle
slay your opponent unplayable
magic action
Yeet Totems
Deal damage equal to the total sum of your Totems Your foe gains stagger equal to the damage dealt
ranged action
Drunken Stance
All damage is dealt as stagger Your critical strike chance is increased by your stagger Gain 4 dazed at the start of turn
Mana Crypt
Add 2 on draw: Take 3 damage
What's in the box?
delve a card from the 2024 Winter Card Contest and add it to your deck
divine item
Topdeck the Halls
If you've cast 12 or more Legendary cards this combat, slay your opponent. The first Legendary card you draw each turn costs no energy
frost artifact
Pull from Tomorrow
This combat, all your cards gain echo Your opponent takes an extra turn after this one
The Octagon
Take damage equal to 25% of your Maximum If your opponent lost more life than you at the end of the round, gain 50
Hot Potato
on draw: Take 3 damage Add a Hot Potato to your foe's deck Double the amount of damage dealt by all Hot Potatos this combat
Delay Gratification
All your cards become Hymns and gain the following: 1 turn: Nothing 2 turns: figmented 3 turns: echo & figmented
Momir's Transmogrify
Leave the current encounter Start an encounter with a random opponent from a higher Canto transmute one card in your deck
Wild Game Trapper
Whenever your opponent plays a Snare card, conjure an ingredient corresponding to their creature type
This combat, add a Fury to your discard pile at the start of turn. After you play a Fury, gain 1 rally.
Stand your Ground
This combat, deal damage equal to your armor at the end of your turn.
This combat, conjure ANY card and reduce its cost to 0 at the start of your turn.
Stone Legends
Shuffle an untempered Monolith, the Stone Blade into your deck. unique
Arcane Coil
This combat, conjure a free Lightning Bolt card at the start of your turn.
Follow Through
Deal 3 damage. flow (0/4): When this attack Hits, inflict a deep wound and gain for every deep wound you've inflicted.
melee action
Vigorating Strike
Deal 3 damage. on Hit: When played as the third card of the round, inflict a deep wound and draw a card.
Dividing Strike
Deal 3 damage. on Hit: If the target's health is EVEN, inflict a deep wound. charges (2/2).
Cutting Words
Deal 1 damage. flanking: Inflict a deep wound on Hit. Can't be upgraded. unique.
Duel Mastery
This combat, inflict a deep wound for every 5 Basic Attacks you make.
Deep Wound
At the start of your turn, gain 1 bleeding per deep wound. A target who has sustained 5 or more Deep Wounds is instantly slain.
Muscle Memory
Draw a Melee Action. frenzy: Gain
the boof
Heal 5 Gain 1 delirious firecast
fire action
Heart of the Cards
conjure a copy of your most played card. It costs no energy charges: 2/2
Master of Arms
This combat, Basic Attacks deal 0 additional damage. Increases by 1 for each basic attack you play.
Bone Nova
Deal 1 damage. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat. reaping.
Holy Nova
Gain 1 health. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat. firecast.
Sand Nova
Make a basic attack. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Storm Nova
Gain 2 chain. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
conjure a Fury. frenzy: Your Fury cards grant 1 additional anger.
Deal 3 damage. critical Hit: Inflict a deep wound and draw a card.
Grievous Injury
Deal 3 damage. bloodlust: lifedrain. rebound (0/4): Inflict a deep wound.
Reapers Mark
Deal 3 damage. After you lose all darkness, inflict a deep wound for each time this attack Hit. darkness 5.
Battle Sense
foretell 3. Draw a card and take 3 damage. This damage is reduced by your armor.
Sanguine Surge
Take 3 damage. Gain
Battle Vigor
This combat, at the start of your turn take 1 damage and draw a card.
This combat, Melee Actions have a 20% chance to inflict a critical Hit for each of your foe's Deep Wounds.
Heavy Armor
This combat, gain 5 armor at the start of the turn.
Gain 1 haste. ambush: Your next Melee action this turn inflicts a critical Hit.
Battle Mending
At the end of turn, gain health equal to twice the damage taken this turn. You can not gain this effect more than once per turn.
Chaos Nova
Inflict a random affliction. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Frost Nova
Inflict 1 frozen. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Stone Nova
Gain 2 armor. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Poison Nova
Inflict 1 poison and gain 1 potency. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat.
Fire Nova
Inflict 1 burning. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat. firecast
magic fire action
discard a card, then make 2 Basic Attacks. Gain 1 focus.
Quick Jab
Make a basic attack. ambush: Draw a card.
Assassin's Mark
This turn, your Ranged and Melee actions will critical Hit. charges (1/1).
Taurus' Rage
After you make 3 or more Basic Attacks in a turn, gain and advance.
Cloak and Dagger
conjure 2 Daggers. Gain 1 evasion if this is in hand at the start of the turn. persistent.
Draw a card. When this is discarded before the end of turn, gain 4 and conjure a copy.
Symbol of Unity
Draw a card for each type of energy you have. unique.
Draw 3 cards. Gain 1 dazed.
Alter Memory
Choose a card in your deck. If it has memorized, destroy it. If it does not, add memorized. charges (1/1).
Flurry of Blows
This combat, conjure a Quick Jab or Sudden Strike at the start of your turn.
Spoils of War
This combat, conjure a random Item at the start of your turn.
Arcane Overload
Deal 4 damage. Repeat this attack for each your foe's Enchantments and Artifacts.
Whenever the player shuffles their deck, inflict a Vile Decay.
Vile Decay
Transform the next card you play into a random corruption