oowah's cards
Dragon Spit
one use: Gain 1 burning, then transfer your burning to your foe.
Intimidating Shout
Inflict 1 silenced. If this is the first card played this round, play it for free. reliable.
Prayer Book
Activate to conjure a Prayer. deplete: Gain for every Prayer you've played this combat. 5 durability.
divine equipment
Remove a card from your deck, then delve a card that was removed from your deck. Upgrade it once and add it back into your deck. heavy.
delve and play an Ammo card, then deal 4 damage twice.
ranged basic attack
one use: Gain 1 dazed. Draw a card.
corrupted action
Coin Purse
Add 1 stack for every Lucky Coin you play this combat. After 7 stacks, add a Blackjack to your hand.
one use: Deal damage equal to 10% of your . on Hit: Inflict 1 dazzled. untempered.
melee basic attack
Participation Trophy
While this is in your deck, you are awarded 1 additional Fateshard at the end of this run. grounded. unplayable. upgradeable.
one use: Add memorized to a card in your hand. If the card was conjured, it becomes permanent. scholar: Add persistent as well.
Lengthy Sermon
This combat, add an untempered Prayer to your hand whenever you finish a performance. Your Prayer cards gain perform.
perform, then conjure a Prayer. This turn, gain 1 zeal and 1 whenever you play a Divine Action. : channel.
divine action
This turn, gain 1 and 1 zeal whenever you spend . Lose : Increase this by 1. persistent.
one use: cleanse your burning and bleeding, then gain 3 regenerate. Add a Seedling to your deck.
Bottle of Ketchup
This combat, gain 1 whenever you garnish an Ingredient.
Infusion of Guile
one use: Gain the next time you play a Potion. Stacks with other Infusions and persists across combats. start of turn: Gain 3 poison.
Infusion of Wisdom
Infusion of Might
No Pain, No Gain
Gain 3 , then lose 3 , then gain 2 , then lose 2 , then gain 1 .
Arcing Noodles
one use: Gain 2 chain. garnish: echo.
Violet Mist
start of turn: Inflict charmed equal to your zeal, then gain 3 regenerate. Gain 1 zeal first if your foe is already charmed. : channel.
magic action
Substituted Reyality
Replace any card in your deck with any card in the game. grounded. Mythic. unique.
Draw a card, then gain 1 for each keyword on this card. unique. upgradeable.
one use: cleanse your stagger and slow, then gain 3 resilience. Add a Seedling to your deck.
Thawing Breath
Gain 3 focus, then cleanse your frozen. flow (0/3): shift. persistent.
Skeleton Key
Activate an Equipment card. While this is in your deck, you can open any locked door. sinister.
Ouija Board
Activate to conjure a copy of a random card in your discard pile. deplete: Trigger ancestral effects on cards in your hand. 3 durability.
Out to Lunch
interrupt your foe. This turn, gain 1 whenever you play an Ingredient. If your foe has no energy, discard this and draw a new card.
attune to Frost. This turn, convert all damage to frozen. channel.
magic frost action
Advent Calendar
Activate: Gain 1 random energy. deplete: Gain 8 random energy. This card's durability persists across combats. 24 durability.
Yule Tide
Inflict 3 frozen. tidal: Inflict 1 drowning. persistent.
ebb action
Inflict 1 drowning. tidal: Inflict 3 frozen. persistent.
flow action
Sword & Board
This combat, add an untempered Block to your hand whenever you make or play a basic attack.
Toy Hammer
Deal 1 damage. on Hit: Inflict 1 dazzled and add a Bonk! to your foe's deck.
one use: cleanse your poison and charmed, then gain 3 haste. Add a Seedling to your deck.
This combat, Attuned actions can be played for free.
magic artifact
Spirited Spirits
one use: Spend all of your energy, then gain 2 per energy spent. on draw: Potions in your hand gain figmented.
Skull Familiar
Activate to gain 4 ferocity. While in darkness, this card is figmented. 4 durability.
Chaotic Candy
one use: The next card you play this turn is chaotic.
Spoiled Rotten
This turn, gain 1 whenever a Forbidden Fruit is played. sinister. lasting.
Bad Apple
Add a Forbidden Fruit to your deck. corrupted: Gain . sinister.
Code of Monstrosity
Your foe is Ethereal. code: Your deck contains only Monster cards.
Straylight Familiar
start of turn: Gain 2 chain. Activate: Deal 2 damage per card in your hand. deplete: Shuffle this back into your deck. 2 durability.
Don't Play This Card
one use.
Party Crasher
This combat, whenever a Potion is played, conjure a base copy to your hand. ambush: delve a Potion.
This combat, gain 1 whenever you play a Surge card. upgradeable. heavy.
No, really. Don't do it.
Glacial Scales
Inflict 5 frozen. start of turn: Gain 1 focus if you are frozen. If you are in form of Dragon gain barrier equal to your frozen. persistent.
frost action
Gain evasion equal to your focus. If you are in form of Dragon, gain swiftness as well. Free if agile. persistent.
Radical Suffusion
Add 1 Charge to cards in your hand. charges (1/1). grounded. unique.
fire action
Plague Of Madness
This combat, cards gain a random keyword when drawn. cursed.
corrupted enchantment
Deal 100 damage to everyone. grounded. heavy. unique.
Vespertine Charm
Gain 1 darkness, permanently. While this is your deck, rewards include at least one card with darkness. darkness 2.
Grand Aria
Reset your performance. If you finish your current performance during this turn, echo its effects and conjure a Finishing Bow.
Merge of Intellect
Gain and 1 focus. mergecraft 1. upgradeable.
I didn't hear a bell
This round, if you would fall below 0 health, heal 1 for each point of overkill damage you take. charges (1/1).
The Ol' Razzledazzle
on Hit: Inflict 2 shocked. flow (0/1): Deal 1 damage. flow (0/3): Deal 3 damage. flow (0/5): Deal 5 damage. finale: Inflict 2 dazzled.
melee action
Hit & Run
conjure a base copy of the last card you played. agile: Reset your ambush. sinister.
Fate's Forge
When this card is drawn, bury it. You may spend 100 Fateshards to upgrade a card in your deck. firecast. grounded. unique.
Deal 6 damage at the end of your foe's next turn. Inflicts a critical Hit if was used to play this card.
Ditto Potion
one use: delve a card with lasting and add it to your deck.
Hue-ing Axe
Deal 3 damage. Use : This card is Melee. Use : This card is Ranged. Use : This card is Magic. Use : This card is Divine.
basic attack
This turn, cards are discarded to the bottom of your deck. heavy.
I Have No Mouth
Gain 1 silenced. The next 3 Magic Actions you play this turn are free. cursed.
I Must Scream
Take 1 damage for each other card in your hand. This turn, your Magic Actions are reliable. cursed.
Magic Is Hard
one use: Permanently convert all Magic Actions and Magic Basic Attacks in your deck into Melee Actions and Basic Attacks.
Bad Facsimile
Choose a card in your hand. It gains 1 Charge and figmented.
Tiny Plate
garnish the next Ingredient you play. flow (0/3): Double your sated. finale: Gain 1 reflect.
What Goes Up
one use: Remove a card in your hand from combat. Upgrade it once per round while it is removed from combat. grounded. swap.
Must Come Down
one use: Return the chosen card to your hand and remove its energy cost. It gains untempered.
Infusion of Grace
one use: Gain the next time you play a Potion. Stacks with other Infusions and persists across combats. start of turn: Gain 1 bane.
Infusion of Spite
Infusion of Passion
This round, inflict 1 dazzled and 1 slow the first time your foe plays an action. lasting.
Bottomless Flask
This combat, your Potions gain lasting.
Infusion Of Ardor
Infusion of Agony
one use: Defile 1 energy the next time you play a Potion. Stacks with other Infusions, persists across combats. start of turn: Gain 1 bane.
corrupted item
Straylight Tincture
one use: Gain 1 Ethereal.
Loss of Ego
Choose 3 cards in hand. Combine them into a new card using the first card's cost, the second card's effects, and the third card's type.
Upgrade all upgraded cards in your deck once, then Defile them. Lose 1 maximum per upgrade. charges (1/1). grounded. unique.
Debasing Oil
one use: Choose a card in your hand and Defile it. Draw a card. cursed.
Plans Within Plans
delve a sinister card. If the next card you play is sinister, double its sinister. If it is NOT sinister, it gains sinister. sinister.
Pain Train
Deal 1 damage twice, then increase this by 1 for 1 turn. on Hit: Inflict 1 vulnerable. : channel. Relentless.
Feel The Heat
Inflict stagger equal to your burning at the end of your turn. channel.
Molten Flail
Gain 1 burning, then deal 3 damage. on Hit: Inflict stagger equal to your burning.
Box of Sweets
conjure 3 chaotic Candy. charges (1/1).
one use: Lose 5% of your Maximum , then upgrade a card in your deck once for each lost. corrupted: Defile the card. unique.
start of turn: conjure an untempered version of a random card that was removed from your deck. It gains figmented.
on draw: bury this and conjure a random Herb to your hand.
Packet of Seeds
Shuffle 5 Seedling cards into your deck. charges (2/2).
one use: cleanse your dominated and doom, then gain 3 focus. Add a Seedling to your deck. reliable.
Cutting Corners
Remove the topmost energy pip from a card in your hand.
Tried and True
Upgrade all upgraded cards in your deck once. empower: Instead, upgrade ALL cards in your deck once. charges (1/1). grounded. unique.
Whimsy Bubble
This round, all damage is delayed until the start of your next turn. scholar: lasting and figmented.
Akerue Cookies
one use: delve a revelation. scholar: delve a revelation. grounded.
magic item
Surge of Obstinance
Gain and . upgradeable. waning.
Surge of Insolence
Surge of Arrogance
Surge of Intolerance
Arcane Bomb
Deal 20 damage. Ready after 4 turns. Speed up the timer when you gain chain. grounded. persistent. mergecraft 20. waning 20.
Goblin Fannypack
conjure a random Lucky Die. charges (6/6). grounded.
Lucky Die
Activate: Gain . deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Activate: foretell 2. deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Activate: Gain 3 . deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Activate: Gain 4 armor. deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Activate: Gain 5 momentum. deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Activate: Gain 6 temporary Maximum . deplete: swap this. 1 durability.
Borrowed Talent
Destroy an Enchantment in your hand. Imbue its effects for the next 3 combats. cursed. waning.
perform 3, then permanently make a card in your hand Divine. bury a card.
perform, then gain zeal equal to three times your performance (0). Remove all of your blessings at the end of the turn.
Circle of Protection
At the start of your turn, gain 1 armor, 1 barrier, 1 resilience, 1 impervious, and 1 pinned. channel.
Disco Ball
This turn, gain 1 reflect and inflict 1 dazzled whenever you perform. lasting.
Essential Oils
This combat, replace "one use" on your Potions with "charges (1/1)".
Casa Nova
Inflict 2 charmed. Repeat for each other type of Nova card you played this combat (0).
Mole-Tek Marbles
This round, inflict 5 stagger when your foe plays an action. persistent.
Permanently gain 5% of your current as Maximum . Your next (0) Basic Attacks inflict a critical Hit. Waxing. grounded. unique.
bury your deck, then shuffle your discard pile.
This turn, cards that were to the right of this in your hand lose their bottom energy pip. on draw: Change the tide. lasting.
This turn, cards that were to the left of this in your hand lose their bottom energy pip. on draw: Change the tide. lasting.
Polymorph Potion
one use: shift into a random form, then discard your hand.
Shifting Mutagen
one use: shift into a random form, then replace Basic Attacks in your hand with Anyform Claw. discard the rest of your hand.
Potato Cannon
Deal 3 damage. on Hit: Add a Hot Potato to your foe's deck.
Dungeon Dive
This combat, the first time you delve a card each turn, gain swiftness equal to that card's energy cost, then delve again.
Surf & Turf
This combat, add an Unknown Meat to your hand whenever the tide changes.
Spring Fever
This combat, set your Maximum to 50% of its current value, and your Actions gain echo. grounded.
one use: cleanse your burning and bleeding, then gain 3 regenerate.
Silver Lining
Gain 1 per stack for each of your afflictions that fade at the end of this turn. grounded.
Loot Drop
If your foe dies this turn, gain equal to the overkill damage. charges (1/1). grounded.